Problems from Tech Carnival 1.0 Programming Contest

These problems are from a contest hosted on September 18, 2021 at 3:15 AM UTC. See details...

A. Infinity Wall
Alien Tara lives on a planet named Confusious. He wants to go to the planet Ultron. He can use any s...
zobayer Moderate 3/7/12
B. GCD Graph
You have an array A of n positive numbers. A[i] denotes the number in the i’th index of the array. C...
C. Jimmy and Jamy
Jimmy and Jamy are two brothers. They like to play with colored marble. Jimmy has N boxes with three...
D. Digit String
We are giving you a number N and your task is to generate a N digit string where the string reading ...
zobayer Very Easy 55/55/77
E. Magic Number Count
Magic number is an integer number, which is only divisible by itself and total number of divisor wil...
F. Golden Cycle
Mr. Xu is a student of CSE who is very curious in graph theory. In past years he solved different ty...
zobayer Moderate 3/5/7
G. DVD Rental Store
You are the owner of a DVD rental store. There are N customers who want to rent a DVD of ‘The Matrix...
zobayer Moderate 4/4/4
H. Sum Game
Rakib loves to play with words and numbers. Currently He invented a game where he wrote down some wo...
I. Crossword Puzzle II
A crossword puzzle consists of an MxN grid with M rows and N columns. Initially, some of the squares...
zobayer Moderate 3/3/3
J. Cheap Tourist
The country of Byteland is divided into N provinces numbered from 1 to N. The provinces are connecte...
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