Problems from Tough Dash, July 2023

These problems are from a contest hosted on July 28, 2023 at 3:00 PM UTC. See details...

A. Follow the Beats
You have to implement a music visualizer. The visualizer visualizes any music on a row of 10 LEDs. T...
hjr265 Moderate 25/37/70
B. Throttled
Throttling a function implies that the function, when invoked, will only run if it has not already b...
hjr265 Moderate 30/34/45
C. Find the Combination!
There is an array with n integers. For any element of the array, you can either increase it by x or ...
Moderate 3/11/17
D. Fundygram
There are n boxes and n people. They are sleeping in the n different boxes. The person sleeping in t...
Moderate 2/8/11
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