Problems from The Tough Winter Spar, 2019

These problems are from a contest organized by Furqan Software on December 25, 2019 at 12:00 PM UTC See details...

A. Siraj Raval and His Dataset
Siraj has a dataset consisting of $N$ 2D cartesian points. Siraj wants to find out a straight line o...
B. Random Graphs
This problem is very easy. There's a graph of $N$ nodes. Each edge $u-v$ ($u >= v ; u = v$ is possib...
C. N-Ta-Gon Has a Problem
N-ta-gon is a regular convex polygon shaped stadium where the polygon has N arms. Recently an alien ...
D. Isomorphic Graph
You are given two connected graphs $G_1$ and $G_2$. Both of the graphs have $N$ vertices and $N$ num...
E. Rotation Dilemma
Akash has two favorite convex polygons A and B. But one of his new year resolution for 2020 is to ha...
F. Milad's Lost Tree
Milad likes trees so much. He has a rooted tree with $n$ vertices each of which has some non-negativ...
G. Christmas Gifts
It's Christmas time! It's the time when Santa brings gift for the children. This year Santa has $K$ ...
H. Levi Squad
Titans have breached Wall Maria! Since Erwin is in the capital, Levi quickly gathered his squad of $...
I. Wavio Palindrome
Palindrome is a string which reads the same from both right to left and left to right. Formally, a s...
J. Freezing Trees
We heard you like trees. But this problem has no relation to trees being frozen. :D You are given a ...
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