Problems from Unlock the Algorithm Programming Contest Fall-23 [Final]

These problems are from a contest hosted on November 28, 2023 at 4:00 AM UTC. See details...

A. Tetration
Tetration is a mathematical operation that is called an extended version of exponentiation. We all k...
B. Aliban's End Game
Now, I reached the culmination of the UTA contest, and a sense of poignant nostalgia enveloped our s...
C. Contest Finalists Selection
After completing the preliminary round of the UTA programming contest, we need to choose participan...
RAIKO_ Moderate 32/37/52
D. Christmas Gift
This year Santa decided to give candy to the children in a different way. The first child he meets w...
E. How Many Unicorns?
In the magical land, there's an enchantress set on attacking your village. Luckily, a wizard figured...
F. Easy Path
After performing so badly in the World Cup, Mushfiq left cricket and started problem solving. You to...
G. Minimum Trio
You are given an array a of n integers. Compute the minimum value of ∣ai​−aj​∣+∣aj​−ak​∣+∣ai​−ak​∣ a...
H. Yet Another Unsolved Problem
Amelia loves shopping. In her neighborhood, there are n number of shops, each selling different stuf...
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