Problems from Virtual Techfest 2020 Regional Programming Contest Mock

These problems are from a contest organized by Department of CSE, Varendra University on December 2, 2020 at 9:00 AM UTC See details...

A. Make It Big!
You are given a number N (10 ≤ N ≤ 2×109). You have to perform exactly two swap operation. You can c...
B. Tidy Bits
Read an integer variable, and determine the smallest positive integer that has the same number of 1s...
C. Two brothers
There is no statement for this Problem. This kind of problems are often being used in mock contests...
ovis96 Very Easy 3/22/60
D. Buildings
There are n buildings in a row. The height of the i-th building is hi​. You have ৳k. It is the amoun...
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