Problems from SUB 2022 Season Contest 2

These problems are from a contest hosted on December 27, 2021 at 1:00 PM UTC. See details...

A. Digital Logic Design (DLD)
You all know about logic gates (NOT, AND, OR, XOR, NAND, NOR and XNOR). In this problem you will tak...
B. Alice and the Display
Alice is designing an electrical system which will take some integer number input from a keyboard (t...
Moderate 2/8/39
C. Sofdor Ali's Restaurant
One of Sofdor Ali’s greatest accomplishment was his Biriyani restaurant! Unlike the traditional rest...
D. Sofdor Ali's Black and White Tree
Sofdor Ali loves Computer Science. He prefers hexadecimal number system to decimals, just because it...
E. Sofdor Ali Is in Love
Against all the odds, Sofdor Ali has fallen in love. He wishes to gift the girl the sweetest of subs...
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