Problems from Bootcamp Autumn - 2021 Junior Team Contest

These problems are from a contest hosted on November 17, 2021 at 6:55 AM UTC. See details...

A. 213
The annual programming contest competition of Dream City State University has finished. As the scori...
B. Blank Page (Easy Version)
[The easy and the hard version of this problem are two almost entirely different entities. So read t...
C. Ophelia's Bakery
As Ophelia doesn't have to attend her university classes physically, she has more time now and decid...
In this problem, you are given two strings A, B, an integer K and a character X. You need to concate...
E. Apples
There is a big tree full of apples. Every minute either a leaf or an apple falls down from that tree...
F. Oyster Game
To advance to the next round of the Oyster Game, players have to solve a geometry problem. Your frie...
G. GCD Array
Jahed lives in a place called “GCD Land”. Everyone in that place is fascinated about GCD. They all h...
H. Blank Page
Someone gave Mr. X two strings S1 and S2 to write on a blank page of width W. These strings consist ...
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