Problems from AUST Programming Lab 2 Selection Contest 3

These problems are from a contest hosted on June 14, 2021 at 1:30 PM UTC. See details...

A. Last Digit of A x B
You are given two numbers A and B. You have to print the last digit of A∗B.
B. Bro Hate Queries
Whenever a query related problem comes, Bro always fails to solve it. Here is a query related proble...
C. Easiest Number of Inversion
You are given an array a with n integers. You have yo count the number of pairs (i,j) such that 1≤i<...
D. A Massive Cyber Attack
There are n machines numbered from 1 to n. Each of them connected to one or more of the m servers nu...
pz1971 Moderate 4/6/9
E. Batsman Performance
Recently ACCL (Aust CSE Cricket League) was finished. Now the organizers want to sort the list of th...
edge555 Moderate 5/6/36
F. Mango Game
Tashfiq is feeling the pressure for the upcoming ICPC reginal contest. To get some relief he plans t...
Tash52 Moderate 6/7/10
G. Is This Give Away?
You are given a positive integer N. You have to print any positive divisor of N without 1 and N or m...
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