Problems for Beginners

Given the length of a side of a square, calculate and print its area.
Pie Are Squared
Given the radius of a circle, calculate and print its area. The area of a circle can be computed usi...
Missing Number
Given the sum of four numbers and three of those numbers, find the missing number. All four numbers ...
Mixed Fractions
Given an improper fraction (as the numerator $N$ and the denominator $D$), determine and print it in...
Running Average
Given $N$ numbers, read each one, calculate the running average and print it. For example, given the...
Running Average Again
Given N numbers, read each one, calculate the running average and print it. For example, given the t...
Pascal's Triangle
Given an integer N, print the sum of the Nth row of the Pascal's triangle. In mathematics, Pascal's ...
Tidy Bits
Read an integer variable, and determine the smallest positive integer that has the same number of 1s...
Set Union
Given two sets of integers, print the set containing the union of the two input sets. For example, g...
Proper Leap Years
Byang's friend was asked to author a programming problem where the challenge was to identify if the ...
Neat Brackets
Given a sequence of opening and closing parentheses ("(" and ")") you will have to determine if it i...
Test Cases
Byang's friend is building a sport programming platform and needs your help with one of the modules....
Thought Game
Sadia is one of the nicest persons you will ever meet. In fact, she is one of those persons who like...
N-th Prime
In this problem, you will have to print the n-th prime number. The first few prime numbers are given...
Prime Factors
Given an integer N, can you determine its prime factors?
Special Triplets
You will be given an integer X. You have to print any three integers greater than 0 and lesser than ...
Print the Words
Given a blob of text you will have to determine the following statistics about it: The longest wor...
PotatoDB v1.0
You are building a new database software: PotatoDB. PotatoDB is meant to store numbers and handle th...
Take It Easy
This is a very simple problem. You will be given a single integer n. You have to print four numbers ...
Painting a Red X
The ground floor of AUST has been renovated. It now looks like a square with N×N tiles. The tiles ar...
Imagine there are several lines in an one dimensional space. You are given the starting and ending p...
The Third Problem
This is the third problem of today’s contest. In this problem you will be given a list of numbers. Y...
Prime Plus Prime
You will be given an integer N. N is a prime number. You have to determine if adding any other prime...
Strange Patterns
Given R, C and D, you will produce a pattern consisting of asterisks (*) and dots (.). The pattern i...
Strange Patterns Reversed
You will be given an R×C grid of asterisks (*) and dots (.). The grid is the top-left view of an inf...
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