Counting Matrices
Given a natural number N and a prime p, let’s define a special set Zp​={0,1,2,…,p−1}. Now count the ...
Half Measures
The numbers 1,2,3,⋯n (each integer from 1 to n once) are written on a board. In one operation, Jesse...
Predict The Frequency
Luis was sleeping. He suddenly woke up with three positive integers N, M and X. He told his younger ...
It is Argentina vs France in the football world cup final of 2022 in a parallel universe. You are a ...
ACT 1: Ash Counting Trees
Ash Ketchum has a weird rooted tree (read Notes sections if you don't know about tree data structure...
Pera in CSEmpur
Who does not like a short and precise problem statement? Atleast everyone in CSEmpur does. You are g...
Help Tanjiro
Mojan kibutsuji is an evil demon who eats people and can turn people into demon. Tanjiro is a swords...
Game Show
Alex is participating in a game show. Mr. Phil is the host of the game. Alex is provided with an arr...
Earn Your Cupcake
A delicious NxN grid is given to you. All the lattice points of this grid contain a cupcake each exc...
K-th DuoPalindrome
Alice likes playing with Palindromes (strings that read the same backward as forward, such as 'madam...
No Onion, No Cry
-Onions make us cry, don't they? They can make us happy too. -How? -Read the statement carefully! I...
Object Detection
Object detection is a computer vision technique that is used to identify and locate objects in an im...
Hange and Her Gear
Hange has developed a special gear to attack the Cart Titan. The gear is a round, disc-like object. ...
Morona Virus Arrived
"Cover your nose and mouth with a bent elbow or tissue when you sneeze or cough." World has defeated...
Freezed Standings
Team Depuradores and Team Resolvers represented their university in the ICPC world finals 2021. Depu...
Oishi Teacher and Her Naughty Class
Oishi teacher has returned to her class after the tiffin break. She noticed that some students who r...
Marbles Per Second
You have a rooted tree of n nodes. If we traverse the tree from the root, let’s say the traversing o...
Bad Boy Ekhlas
Ekhlas is a bad boy, not the type of bad that you generally admire. When he was little, his primary ...
Dividing the Gifts
Today is a very good day in CSEmpur because Tuktuki has bought N gifts! Tuktuki wants to give these ...
Tricky Racer
Talent Bob is a galaxy wide known legend and a racer (in game :P). He always wins races by his trick...
Divisible LCM
You have a sequence a1​, a2​, a3​, …, an​ of n integers and q queries. In each query, you are given ...
Many Paths, Many Costs
Alice and Bob are visiting Byteland. They are observing the map of this country. Surprisingly, the m...
Table Tennis
One day you have invited Sohel bhai to come to East West University to see an intra-University table...
Poltu and Digit Product
You are given two integer L and R. You have to find the summation of digit product of all number fro...
Trick or Trees
One day, Raju was out roaming in the woods,when he suddenly stumbled upon a large garden. There were...
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