Irregular Is Tough, Regular Is Easy!
Dr. Bari is working on some chemical formation. He believes that chemicals and shapes that are regul...
Bad Neighbors 2
As some of you already know, Nocu City has a history of having bad neighbors. These bad ones, take a...
Game of Palindromes
In a popular computer game, Game of Palindromes also known as GOP there is a city called Palindesh. ...
Cook a Dish
Have you ever cooked something? No? Not a problem! Whenever you try to cook something, you need some...
String Play
Milo has a string S of length L. Tutu picks a random prefix and Mota picks a random suffix of S. Now...
I Hate Combinatorics!
Rick and Morty are being hunted by the galactic government. They ran away to the cell dimension. The...
Mr Max Count Sum
Mr Max , Mr Sum and Mr Count are three neighbours. They have a common enemy, an old man living in th...
Object Detection
Object detection is a computer vision technique that is used to identify and locate objects in an im...
Many Paths, Many Costs
Alice and Bob are visiting Byteland. They are observing the map of this country. Surprisingly, the m...
Secret Meeting
The world is terrified by Pandas! After a miraculous chemical explosion, they became smarter; and ev...
Joker's GCD Test
Joker has a sequence P of n integers. Each two elements in the sequence are pairwise distinct. He de...
An Arithmetic Problem
A sequence is an arithmetic sequence if every two successive number has same difference. Suppose thi...
Sofdor Ali and Histogram
The Great Sofdor Ali is now interested in competitive programming. Seeing this, his friend and also ...
Perplexity of Permutations
A permutation of N integers from 1 to N is an array where each number has appeared exactly once in t...
Recursive Function
A common example of recursion goes something like this: long long recur(int x){ if (x==0){ return X0...
Power and Mod
Exponentiation is a mathematical operation, written as b n , involving two numbers, the base b and t...
Third Dimension
Mr. J wants to learn about combinatorics. He started reading a book on combinatorics and came across...
Counting is Difficult 2
East West University Computer Programming Club (EWUCoPC) is arranging an Intra-University Programmin...
Pleasant Permutations
A sequence of n integers is called a permutation if it contains all integers from 1 to n exactly onc...
Playing With Your Mind
Given a non-negative integers N. You have to find an integer P such that, the following conditions s...
Recursive World!
See following the two recursive functions: C(0) = 0 C(1) = 5 C(K) = C(K-1) + 4 F(0) = 1 F(1) = 2 F(N...
Circle of Death
Abir is a school going boy, who loves math. Also, he loves to play with stones. Recently he invented...
Arunima City
After the big decentralization process, where Dhaka city's population were relocated, a new city cal...
Trivial Summation
The problem statement is so small. Give you four integers r, a, b, d. Find the summation of all numb...
Counting Subsets
Mr. Meseeks has just turned evil and is on his way to destroy the universe. To stop him Rick and Mor...
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