Sum of GCD and LCM
The greatest common divisor (GCD) of two integers, is the largest integer that divides both of the i...
Paltu, a Prime Lover
Note that the memory limit is unusual. Paltu is a good programmer and he loves prime numbers. One da...
The Story of Two Friends
There are two friends F1 and F2 in a city. They both are student of FCB High School. Also, they resi...
Trust Me , You Can Solve It ;-)
Nafis Shahriar loves to do codeforces programming contests. He is the first candidate master in code...
NAC-SAC Game! (Easy)
Akash and Guru are playing an interesting game. They are standing at the two ends of the NAC-SAC bri...
NAC-SAC Game! (Hard. Well, Not Really. 😛)
Remember the game played by Akash and Guru on the NAC-SAC bridge? (For those cannot remember, Akash ...
Arrange the Bricks!
You have $N$ bricks two dimensional bricks of the dimension $1 \times 2$. The bricks are rotatable i...
ACT 1: Ash Counting Trees
Ash Ketchum has a weird rooted tree (read Notes sections if you don't know about tree data structure...
Karim Meets Gollum
After hearing about Bilbo's Ring that he found in the Misty Mountains, Karim the Hobbit decided to e...
Help Chokro
Pias and Chokro are good friends. Pias's birthday is coming soon. So, Chokro wants to gift Pias an a...
Jhamela, Once Again
You are given n positive integers as an array. Also, you are given an integer k. Now, try to find a ...
Game Show
Alex is participating in a game show. Mr. Phil is the host of the game. Alex is provided with an arr...
Arko and Special Permutations
Arko is very fond of permutations. He can easily calculate the number of n length permutations. (In ...
Poltu and Trailing Zero
Poltu gives a problem to his friend Boltu. The description is given below: You are given an integer ...
Poltu and Digit Product
You are given two integer L and R. You have to find the summation of digit product of all number fro...
Judy Hopps , a rookie officer joined Zootopia Police Department. She was fond of working sincerely f...
Given an integer $L$, you have to find the product of two different integers such that their LCM (Le...
GCD and Sum
Congratulations! You’ve been hired in “Buggy Software Ltd.” And you’ve been already given your first...
Complex Tashreef
Tashreef finally received the Zuinness Journal of Galactic records recognition for being the most co...
Hidden Graph
There is an unweighted, undirected hidden graph. You are given an integer range from L to R. There a...
Choice Is Yours
For not participating on contests regularly, Hasnaine (read Has9) has decided to kill Santo. But nob...
GCD Grid
You are given two integers N and M. You have to make a grid of N∗M size by following these rules: E...
Magic Number Count
Magic number is an integer number, which is only divisible by itself and total number of divisor wil...
Yet Another Hello World
The greatest company, Pied Piper, is developing encryption systems. The company has already built Md...
Bi-Element Subsequence
You are participating in a game show. In the final round, the host pulls up a large sequence of posi...
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