Simple Operation
Mr. X is a school teacher. He teaches C programming to the students. In every class, he gives some s...
Identify the Level
Amin and Belal are two friends. Both have good knowledge about graph and tree in data structure part...
Once Upon a Time in Dhaka
Dhaka is one of the mega cities of Bangladesh. At different times, Dhaka was entitled differently by...
Niko Loves NSU
I don't know about you but Niko loves NSU life so much. He always tries to show off that he is an NS...
Tidy Bits
Read an integer variable, and determine the smallest positive integer that has the same number of 1s...
Bus Ride in Summer, Hot as Hell
A bus goes from place A to B and returns from B to A. Now there are N stops in its route. INi people...
Fun Theory
Let's go for a short statement. n people took part in a disco. To make the disco scarier, each perso...
Chief Thief
A group of thieves steal only money. Every morning they deposit the money to their leader. The leade...
Rainy Day
You have to complete N tasks tomorrow, where each task can last for any number of minutes. Each task...
Genius Needs Help
You all know Emrul bhai, right? He is a genius guy. He knows how to add two integer numbers and so d...
Alayna's Adventure Journey
Alayna recently went on her first adventure journey to Dumbulla Safari Park. She enjoyed the bumpy r...
Itsy's Magic Cards
Itsy needs your help with her magic cards. Her magic cards grant her special spider-witch powers. Un...
Alayna and Strings
Alayna's father Baba gifted her a nice alphabet book last month. And now Alayna is in love with alph...
Life of Decimals
Given any circle, if you divide the circumference of that circle with its diameter, you would always...
SUM Equals LCM
Given N, print a sequence of N positive integers A1​,A2​,…,AN​ that satisfy the following conditions...
Giving Hashtag in Social Network is very popular now a day. But Poltu is very new in Social Network....
Byang's Assembly
Byang doesn't need your help with his projects... Except with this project that his teacher wants hi...
Nusrat's Treat
We all know how much Nusrat loves chocolate! She gets a lot of chocolate from her friends and family...
Test Cases
Byang's friend is building a sport programming platform and needs your help with one of the modules....
The Titan
The Titan, a giant ship started its journey on the dark sea. It was going to the North America. On t...
Eet Izz Phet!
A long long time ago, I left the country that was my home and with my head full of brains and shoes ...
Let’s get straight to the point. You are given a tree. In the tree, each node u has a number au​ ass...
The Depressed Guy
There is a guy named "Lucky" who is depressed now. His friend Jack knows why he is depressed. He has...
Dilu's Library
Dilu is a young boy who loves mathematics. He recently learned how to code. He was interested in sol...
Putting Guards
Shetu is playing a popular game called "Putting Guards". In this game there are various types of rec...
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