Ajob Commute II
Once again we return to Ajobshohor, the capital city and the heart of Ajobdesh. Ajobshohor’s road sy...
Static Tree
You are given a tree containing N vertices. The vertices are numbered from 1 to N. A tree with N ver...
Hasan the Treasure Hunter
Benjamin Gates the treasure hunter opened a coaching center named Khajna Dibo Na where he teaches hi...
Magical Tree Query
You are given a rooted tree (a connected graph with no cycles) with n vertices. The vertices are num...
Race in DomKi
There is a kingdom called DomKi. DomKi has N city and N-1 two-way road. Each city is numbered with 1...
Yet Another XOR Tree Problem
You are given a tree with N nodes. A non-negative weight is assigned to each edge of the tree. Let’s...
Cheap Tourist
The country of Byteland is divided into N provinces numbered from 1 to N. The provinces are connecte...
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