Do you know what MSIS is? MSIS is the abbreviation for Maximum Sum Increasing Subsequence. It is a s...
Paying Bills
Mued is finally home for summer vacation after surviving yet another semester of the mighty CS Under...
Video Game
Shefin is playing a game. In this game there are N buildings numbered from 1 to N. Each building has...
Divisible LCM
You have a sequence a1​, a2​, a3​, …, an​ of n integers and q queries. In each query, you are given ...
Interesting Parenthesis
Parentheses sequence of length 2n is the sequence containing exactly n opening parentheses «(» and e...
m-Beautiful Numbers
An m-Beautiful Number is a number which is divisible by $m$ and the sum of the digits is also divisi...
Reverse Hash
Binary strings are strings that can only have 0 or 1 as the characters. The hash value of a string i...
Make It Big!
You are given a number N (10 ≤ N ≤ 2×109). You have to perform exactly two swap operation. You can c...
You are given N integers. Each integer is square free (i.e. it has no divisor which is a square numb...
Burger King
Every day, more than 11 million guests visit BURGER KING® restaurants around the world. And they do ...
Smart Feature Phone 2
Alice worked in CIA. Right now he need to send an encrypted message to the headquarter(HQ) of CIA. ...
19 February 2020, Unidentified flying object (UFO) has captured student’s attention on top of the CS...
A Journey Towards One
Given N. You can perform 3 types of operations: Increase N by 1. Decrease N by 1. Divide N by 2, av...
Game of Tic-Tac-Toe
Alice and Bob is a playing a game of tic-tac-toe, to be precise a variant of tic-tac-toe called Nota...
Harry Potter and the Vault of Gringotts
"There was a break-in of Gringotts Wizarding Bank on 1 May, 1998, during the height of the Second Wi...
Gaaner Koli
The protagonists of this problem are two great programmers of a certain institution Omanush and Ordi...
Alice in Candyland
Alice came up with a new game. In this game called "Candy Quest", there is a NxN size 2D grid. In ea...
Subarray Sum
You are given an array having N integers. You have to select at most K positions in the array and re...
OCD Returns!
This problem author has OCD (obsessive–compulsive disorder). One day his teacher gave him an array o...
The Perfect Collection
Given an array A of N integers, if we choose any K of these integers and calculate their bitwise XOR...
We all know about LIS (Longest Increasing Sub sequence). The task to find the length of the longest ...
Maximum Sum
Little Jimmy loves to play with numbers. One day he was playing with a number sequence. In his game,...
Sticking Pins
You are sticking pins on a 2D board at N given coordinates. However, since you are not very good at ...
Very Dirty String
Strings are difficult, most of the contest programmers say this and try to avoid string algorithms. ...
Third Dimension
Mr. J wants to learn about combinatorics. He started reading a book on combinatorics and came across...
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