


Ifran07 solved Average the Array.
Mar '23
Ifran07 solved LNPS.
Mar '22
Ifran07 solved Strilindrome (Easy Version).
Mar '22
Ifran07 participated in Intra University Programming Contest Organized by CoUITS.
Mar '22
Ifran07 solved Lexicographical Smallest String.
Mar '22
Ifran07 solved Wheel Graph.
Jun '21
Ifran07 solved BigNumSum.
Jun '21
Ifran07 solved Who Ate the Pizza Slices?.
May '21
Ifran07 solved Window Seats on a Bus.
May '21
Ifran07 solved Easy Summation.
May '21
Ifran07 solved Ashik's Trouble.
May '21
Ifran07 solved I Love 0.
May '21
Ifran07 solved Absolute Value.
May '21
Ifran07 solved Magic Square.
May '21
Ifran07 solved Roll the Dice.
May '21
Ifran07 solved Relatively Prime.
May '21
Ifran07 solved Nusrat's Treat.
May '21
Ifran07 solved A Girl's Story.
May '21
Ifran07 solved Absolute U.
May '21
Ifran07 solved For Loop FTW.
May '21
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