Problems by d1xlord

Chor Tintin Tikri
A new land, what we call “chor”, has emerged. Local people have already given it a name “Chor Tintin...
Moderate 4/18/65
Circuit Breaker
In your free time, you like to design various electrical circuits to give a hard time to your local ...
DFS, Graph Moderate 37/51/138
How Many Ways?
Regular problem solvers starts their journey by solving ad hoc and number theory. After getting the ...
Recently you are into eCommerce sites. You sell useless (which you don’t need) stuffs and try to get...
Moderate 34/65/186
That's Odd!
People always say that you’re odd and you like being the odd person in a room! You’re so odd that yo...
Moderate 23/26/79
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