Problems by dhruba_1603088

Fun Theory
Let's go for a short statement. n people took part in a disco. To make the disco scarier, each perso...
Happy Sub-Sequence
Recently Alex has participated in a programming contest. He became 1st runner up. He couldn't solve ...
DP Moderate 49/52/119
Magic Moments
You are going to a village by bus. You need k hours to do an important task while your bus journey w...
Plant Trees, Save Life
There are n students in a school. Some of them are friends with each other. You want to make the sch...
Zarin is a sadist. She loves to give problems to her close people. Today she gives you an array cons...
Stick Game
Shahwat has a stick that has n blocks that are indexed from 1 to n (from first to last). Each block ...
The Depressed Guy
There is a guy named "Lucky" who is depressed now. His friend Jack knows why he is depressed. He has...
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