Problems by himuhasib

Byang and Kochuripana Trouble
Byang is the chief software engineer at Toad Incorporated. His grandmother is planning to give him a...
Darth Vader and 3PO on a Tree!
Did you watch Star Wars yet? No? You should in your free time. Now back to Darth Vader and 3PO. Dart...
Fast Co-Prime
Two numbers A and B are called co-prime if the only common positive factor of the two numbers is 1. ...
Game, Game Everywhere
Binary and Ternary are playing a game. In this game, they initially choose an array with N elements....
Math Moderate 11/21/39
Gauss - The Great Mathematician
Carl Friedrich Gauss was a great mathematician. When he was a child, his teacher told him to sum up ...
Very Easy 265/271/364
Gutibaji on Chessboard
Let there be a chessboard of size N×M, and only one bishop in a cell (x,y). How many cells can the b...
Math Moderate 56/70/129
OCD Returns!
This problem author has OCD (obsessive–compulsive disorder). One day his teacher gave him an array o...
DP Moderate 52/204/521
Old Magic!
You: Guess an integer number, but don't tell me. Your friend: Okay! You: Now multiply it by 3. Your ...
Scary Big Chessboard
Our friend Alice got stuck in a big chessboard. The chessboard has N rows and N columns. Some cells ...
Math Moderate 20/42/146
XOR on Pascal
Let's define F(N) as following: F(N)=(0N​)⊕(1N​)⊕(2N​)⊕⋯⊕(NN​) You are given an integer N(0≤N≤105), ...
Moderate 50/68/141
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