Problems by nfssdq

A Boring Game
Alice and Bob are playing a game with a tree with n nodes. Alice always plays first, and the two pla...
Bad XOR 2 (Hard)
So after successfully becoming many people's nightmare, XOR has struck again, this time to haunt you...
DFS, Graph Moderate 11/22/70
Brush Drawing
Arav is a curious young boy. He is learning to draw circles. He only got one color but a lot of brus...
Convex Hull Generator
You have to generate a convex polygon which has N points each Xi is distinct and is between 1 and N...
You are given N integers. Each integer is square free (i.e. it has no divisor which is a square numb...
Number, Segment, Prefix - All In One (Hard)
Xiao Po is building a validation framework for his current project. He is now stuck with this proble...
Moderate 3/5/6
Sequence Query
You are given N integer numbers (A1​,A2​,A3​…AN​). You will also be given some query. Each query wil...
Moderate 13/20/93
There are two gift shops in the city. They are going to merge together to create a bigger company. Y...
Village Fair 2
There are N houses in a village far away from here. They are numbered from 1 to N. For this problem ...
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