Problems by rumman13

Battle of Endor
After myriad battles and death of million rebel soldiers, it is high time to destroy the imperial ar...
Eloa’s Secret
Eloa, the princess of Byteland has a secret. She is obsessed with Alien names. The general conventio...
Moderate 4/5/18
Lonely Divisor
Given a positive integer $N$ you have to find it’s lonely divisor. The question is what is Lonely Di...
Moderate 16/36/131
MaxFlow (II)
Given a connected undirected graph with n nodes and m edges and the capacity of each edge is 1. maxF...
Moderate 2/6/10
Nothing’s more contagious than laughter
Gotham, a city full of criminals. But there is one who is more than just a criminal. He brings pure ...
Hard 6/6/20
Prisoners of Byteland
Mr. X and his best friend Mr. Potato Head are in the middle of a prison, the one and only prison of ...
Moderate 6/8/29
Super Sort
Given an array of numbers and a non-negative integer K you have to sort the array in such a way so t...
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