Problems by subhashis_cse

Average the Array
You are given an array A of length N. You have to choose a subset S from given array A, such that av...
Beautiful or Not?
Rakib & Raghib are two friends. One day Rakib gave an array of numbers to Raghib and told him to mak...
Best Place to Arrange Contest
We are going to arrange the 7th CPU CSE programming contest in our department. But to arrange a cont...
BFS, DFS, Graph Moderate 7/7/23
Change Queries
Today is a very special day for Rubel. Recently he got a job in a software company. Now today is the...
Game of Points
There are n points in the plane, the ith of which is labeled Pi and has coordinates (xi,yi). We know...
Moderate 11/20/72
ICPC World Final
ICPC (International Collegiate Programming Contest) World final is one of the most prestigious conte...
Identify the Level
Amin and Belal are two friends. Both have good knowledge about graph and tree in data structure part...
Match the Substring
String Matching is an important problem in computer science research and finds applications in data ...
Required String
Rajib recently developed a nice game in which he worked on palindromes. Rajib told Raihan to play hi...
Moderate 47/51/91
Shedule Matching
Nobel, the famous programmer.Now he tries to arrange some programming class for his university junio...
Moderate 32/50/103
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