Fuel Finance
X Game Studio is working on their next super-hit game. The game is quite simple. The player has a ca...
Thanos LLC.
On the planet Titan, there are N residents, numbered from 1 to N, all employed by Thanos. For each i...
Prime - Prime - Prime
Given an integer n, print n unique integers in the range [1,109] such that, The bitwise AND value ...
Doctor Strange in the Circleverse
At the beginning of time, there were only two circles in the circleverse (a universe where everyone ...
SMAN2901 Moderate 1/1/1
Name Game
React anything on this post. I will give you three names. And you have to comment about them withou...
Efficient Tour
Gopher is embarking on yet another adventurous tour, this time across N cities, each uniquely define...
ash_98 Moderate 19/22/75
Ri, the Miner
Gondor has n circular gold mines with IDs from 1 to n containing some gold. Each mine’s center can b...
Pop! Shop
In a bustling medieval town, Arwa stumbled upon a lively carnival, its tents and banners fluttering ...
Meena, Raju and Mango Tree
Clever girl Meena likes to climb trees. One day her brother Raju, after coming back from school, sai...
ovis96 Very Easy 9/14/59
Number of Anagrams
You will be given a list L. Each element Li​ will contain a list of integers. You have to perform tw...
Hasinur_ Moderate 3/6/59
Missing String
This is an Interactive Problem. The judge has a secret binary string S of length n(1≤n≤1000). You ca...
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there was an enchanting ICPC contest. The contest organiz...
Consonant Chronicles
In the heart of ICPC's code-filled realm, you encountered a cryptic two-dimensional character array ...
The Time Trial Challenge
Mita’s team had always been a good team when it came to competitive programming, and this year, thei...
Drake is currently a student in the 2nd semester. He is passionate about competitive coding. A few d...
Before Mathforces
Every competitive programmer’s  dream is to participate in the ICPC World Finals, and so is Eren’s. ...
The International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) is a prestigious contest held all over the w...
Realm of Numericon
In the mysterious Realm of Numericon, a group of ancient mathematicians discovered a unique pattern ...
The Great Sherlock Holmes
We all know how great of a detective Sherlock Holmes is. However, suddenly he's stuck in a rather od...
Kakashi's Game
Kakashi is a student of CSE at DIU. In his OOP course, he needs to submit a project as the final lab...
Saimur Moderate 16/19/58
Amusement Park
One of Tommy’s family members is planning a trip to an amusement park, and Tommy is interested in ca...
A Wonderful Match
Arpa is very excited about the high-voltage match between England and Pakistan tomorrow. But she wil...
The Foolish Hunter
Abul the hunter goes to X number of places to hunt animals every day. In every place, there are Ynum...
Looks Like Giveway ?
This Problem is very straightforward. Let’s define a function InvCnt(p) where p is a permutation of ...
Easy Path
After performing so badly in the World Cup, Mushfiq left cricket and started problem solving. You to...
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