Problems from Kite Games Presents Inter University Programming Contest - SUST CSE Carnival 2024

These problems are from a contest hosted on February 18, 2024 at 3:40 AM UTC. See details...

A. Another Repeated String Problem
Let's define the cost of a binary string p (consisting of only 0's and 1's) as the minimum positive ...
B. Magic Grid
Let's define a magic square grid of size n×n consisting positive integers as, If there is an integ...
C. Rose Land
Roseland, the land of roses, can be represented as a complete binary tree with n nodes (cities) root...
samu37 Moderate 13/16/41
D. Connecting Dots
You are given n distinct points p1​, p2​, p3​, … , pn​. Point pi​ has coordinates (xi​, yi​) in the ...
E. Hottest Problem of The Winter
Dear Contestants, Welcome to ''Kite Games Presents Inter University Programming Contest - SUST CSE C...
ovis96 Moderate 59/62/97
F. Infinite Tree
Given an infinite tree (forest?), find the distance between two nodes for some queries. You know, it...
ovis96 Moderate 3/3/24
G. Half Empty or Half Full?
There are N glasses in a row numbered from 1 to N on a table. The i-th glass has a volume of Vi​ lit...
border Very Easy 8/13/105
H. Problem Title Will Be Provided Later
Consider a list of integers, denoting a, of length n. The task is to find the maximum value of F(l, ...
I. Cut The Polygon
Given a convex polygon of n vertices, select three distinct vertices a, b, c, and draw line segments...
J. No Expectation
Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed. It is expectations that giv...
upobir Moderate 2/2/6
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