Problems from AUST CSE Carnival 3.0 Programming Contest

These problems are from a contest organized by Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology on January 23, 2024 at 7:40 AM UTC See details...

A. Sign Based Evaluation System
The National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB) has introduced a new grading system to evaluate st...
fahmid07 Moderate 2/2/4
B. Who Doesn't Love GCD?
You are given a special array a of length n where every element ai​ is some power of 2. You are aske...
C. How to Save Money 101
The author has recently joined the software industry. His dev lead, who is also from AUST, has assig...
D. Network Within Networks
In a country called Botham, the design of network connection is a bit messy. So the connection betwe...
E. Prime, Not Prime...
You are given an array A of length N. Count the number of alternative prime subsequences. A subseque...
F. The Qubits 45
The AUST CSE Carnival 3.0 is thriving in glory. It consists of 8 amazing events. “Intra AUST Program...
G. Nice Dice Problem
Noman was going through Nilkhet for some math books for his upcoming exam, but something interesting...
H. Central Safety Spot
In the lively area of Cityland, there are N cities connected by a network of N−1 bi-directional road...
rahat_chy Moderate 1/1/1
I. X-Root Number
Given two number N and X. Find out whether N is an X−root number. If N is a X−root number, then N=PX...
rithyy Moderate 4/4/19
J. Magic Spell
You are given a string s of length n, that consists of ‘a’ and ‘b’. Also you have a “Magic Spell” th...
K. Another Bitwise AND Problem
Alam loves to play with Bitwise AND operation. Today he gives you an easy problem to solve! You are...
L. BiClock
There are two cities A and B located in two different time zones. City B is x hours ahead of city A....
pz1971 Moderate 2/2/3
M. Fall 2024
Fall and Spring are playing a game with an array a of n integers. They will play the game for m time...
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