Darth Vader and 3PO on a Tree!
Did you watch Star Wars yet? No? You should in your free time. Now back to Darth Vader and 3PO. Dart...
Haunting of Herobrine
Herobrine's horror stories are known by many, but only a few dares to speak that name out loud, for ...
There is a house named Larcana. It is a very weird house. There are exactly N rooms in total and bet...
Plant Trees, Save Life
There are n students in a school. Some of them are friends with each other. You want to make the sch...
Stephen, Bob, and Tomato's Canvas
If Stephen Hawking was right, then there is a universe where Bob Ross is a student of Tomato Yoshi. ...
Unfair Robot Race
Two teams of robots, Team A and Team B, are racing in a 2D grid. There will be a total of 6 rounds. ...
You have probably heard of the famous board game, Monopoly. According to Wikipedia, in this game, pl...
Scarlet Speedster
The scarlet speedster of Central City, popularly known as the Flash is fighting an epic battle again...
Milad's Lost Tree
Milad likes trees so much. He has a rooted tree with $n$ vertices each of which has some non-negativ...
Identify the Level
Amin and Belal are two friends. Both have good knowledge about graph and tree in data structure part...
COVID-19 Outbreak
COVID-19 outbreak in Atlantis is so bad that the government is forced to lock down the whole country...
Hide and Seek
You know how to play hide-and-seek, right? In a group of kids, one of them is selected to be the see...
Taofiq the House Prefect
Tomorrow is a very special day for Taofiq. He is participating in an intra school quiz contest. As h...
Shortest Path?
Given an unweighted, undirected and connected graph consists of $N$ nodes numbered from $1$ to $N$. ...
Birthday Present?!
As everyone gifts graphs or strings to people on their birthdays, Oyshee’s friends decided to do som...
Set the Meeting
Three colleagues Motu, Biscuit and Ramjan are in Sundarbans now. They are on a mission to protect th...
Multiverse Of Courier Service
Dr. Strange finally discovered a safe way to travel between parallel universes. By noticing people’s...
Best Place to Arrange Contest
We are going to arrange the 7th CPU CSE programming contest in our department. But to arrange a cont...
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