Jimmy and Jamy
Jimmy and Jamy are two brothers. They like to play with colored marble. Jimmy has N boxes with three...
Let me tell you a story of a dangerous prison. There were N prisoners in that prison. It is guarante...
Table Tennis
One day you have invited Sohel bhai to come to East West University to see an intra-University table...
Divide Candy Again
There are N boxes with candies numbered from 1 to N. The number of candies in the boxes numbered 1 t...
Walking Down The Road
There is an M meter long road with the leftmost point of the road being the 0 meter point and the ri...
There is a house named Larcana. It is a very weird house. There are exactly N rooms in total and bet...
Finding Lines
Annabel and Richard like to invent new games and play against each other. One day Annabel has a new ...
Goku's Tree
Recently Goku has discovered a rooted tree graph. Goku’s tree has N nodes, among them node 1 is the ...
Expected Result
A witch has imprisoned Bob in the 1st room of the Central Witchland Hotel. The hotel is weird. All t...
Building the Number
This is a straight-froward problem. You will be given N. You have to find the expected value of buil...
The Lucky Dice
Ray and Evangeline are playing a game named "The Lucky Dice". In this game, each player tosses up an...
Sheldon's Obtuse Triangle
We all know Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory. Recently he got his Nobel Prize. He likes polyg...
Expected Oddness
Alita found a string of n characters where each character of the string is either '0' or '1'. The Od...
Random Graphs
This problem is very easy. There's a graph of $N$ nodes. Each edge $u-v$ ($u >= v ; u = v$ is possib...
Earn Your Cupcake
A delicious NxN grid is given to you. All the lattice points of this grid contain a cupcake each exc...
An Act of Uniformly Random Kindness
After selling all the bitcoins that you bought back in 2010, you now find yourself with a huge amoun...
Morona Virus Arrived
"Cover your nose and mouth with a bent elbow or tissue when you sneeze or cough." World has defeated...
Game Show
Alex is participating in a game show. Mr. Phil is the host of the game. Alex is provided with an arr...
The Matrix
In the metaphysical world of the Matrix, different people make their chessboards with their own spec...
Marbles Per Second
You have a rooted tree of n nodes. If we traverse the tree from the root, let’s say the traversing o...
It is Argentina vs France in the football world cup final of 2022 in a parallel universe. You are a ...
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