Exists or Not Exists
You will be given some numbers. Then there will contain some queries. In every query there will be g...
Easy Prime!
There are N numbers in an array. You will have Q queries. In each query, you can make 2 operations. ...
Welcome to Criterion Rounds
The team congratulates you for participating in this contest and for being part of the journey towar...
Count the Chaos
Imagine, you have an array of integers of size N. At each index of this array is a unique integer fr...
Donate Our Department
We are students of CSE, IU. It is very well known that our departmental instruments are not so good....
Birthday of Aliens
On the planet of Royal Royal, a university named Royal University of Engineering and Technology exis...
Jumping Frog (II)
A frog wants to cross a river. There are some posts in the river. The frog can go from one post to a...
Palindrome and Queries
You'll be given an array A of N strings containing lowercase English letters only and Q queries. In ...
Again LCS
You are given two permutations of the numbers from 1-N called P1 and P2. You are also given two inte...
"Avoid touching your face, particularly your eyes, nose or mouth to prevent the virus from entering ...
A Unique Array
An array is called "unique" if it has no consecutive element with same value(A[i] != A[i-1]). Given ...
Superman and the Buildings of Dahaka
To end the long-running feud between Superman and Goku fans regarding who's stronger, Zeron has deci...
Answer the Queries
Given an array of N elements, indexed from 0 to N−1. Now you are given some queries in the form [L,R...
A Journey to Rupsha
Tomorrow, April 14th, 2019 is a special day. Guess why. Bengali New Year? Your guess was partially c...
No Onion, No Cry
-Onions make us cry, don't they? They can make us happy too. -How? -Read the statement carefully! I...
Just Another Range Query
This is another simple range query problem where you will perform some updates and answer some queri...
No gossip. In this problem I will just say what to do. Initially, you will be given a bracket sequen...
Taju Kage Bunshin No Jutsu
Naruto Uzumaki is one of the strongest ninja of RUET (Rasengan University of Ebisu and Tobi), posses...
Maximum Meetings
I am the boss of my company. I have n employees. The office time of my company starts at 1. Every em...
Stick Game
Shahwat has a stick that has n blocks that are indexed from 1 to n (from first to last). Each block ...
Palindrome Query I
You are given a string of length L. You have Q queries. In each query, you will be asked to either u...
Five friends A, B, C, D and E has come to a shop to buy crayons for their art project. They need cra...
Distinct Dishting
You are given an array of N integers. Then there will be Q commands of the following type: Change ...
Itachi's Challenge
Sasuke is a 12-year old ninja who is very much interested in learning Ninjutsu (A tactic used by nin...
Another Query on String
You are given a string S (of length n) consisting of alphabets only. You need to perform m queries o...
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