Problems by TarifEzaz

Absolute Value
You will be given an integer x. The absolute value of x will be within 100. You have to add 1 to x's...
Anne's Diary
On 12 June 1942, Anne received a diary as a gift. She started writing on it. Later, her diary had be...
Moderate 57/78/286
Are You Coding Me?
In the year 1992 AD, little Pranoti started to learn how to write. She already figured out that her ...
Arshiya's First Code
Arshiya is just three and she already started programming. She has learned how to write loops. Recen...
Arunima City
After the big decentralization process, where Dhaka city's population were relocated, a new city cal...
Math Moderate 34/52/150
Bad Boy Ekhlas
Ekhlas is a bad boy, not the type of bad that you generally admire. When he was little, his primary ...
Math Moderate 6/21/269
Bad Neighbors
In the strange neighborhood of Nocu, a lot of people lives pretty happily, or so they think. Like mo...
Bad Neighbors 2
As some of you already know, Nocu City has a history of having bad neighbors. These bad ones, take a...
Be Like Hasib
Hasib, the famous programmer, uses a little game when he teaches Binary Search to his students. He r...
Brain Pleased
Like most of the other teenage girls, Shabnam loves to generate strings. But recently, she discovere...
Byang of Interest
Byang is the most famous detective of Dhaka City. He has just received a secret document regarding h...
Byang's Day Out!
Byang and his little brother Kuno loves Cricket. But they never went to the stadium to watch a match...
Coin Collection
Neema and Mouri loves to collect coins. When they get bored, they bring out all of their coins. Usua...
Very Easy 42/53/100
Counting Friends
Johnny uses a social network called Supernova. Unlike the other social networks, Supernova does not ...
Count the Chaos
Imagine, you have an array of integers of size N. At each index of this array is a unique integer fr...
Count the Odds
Sometimes, contestants tend to look for patterns in problem descriptions. They try to figure out the...
Data Structure
The operations that are performed in a data structure can be categorized into two types: query and u...
Digits of Pi
Let’s talk about one fascinating fact about circles. For that, let’s perform the following experimen...
Elementary Arithmetic - 2
Long ago, after learning how to add two numbers, Shakib came to know about multiplication. Multiplic...
Expected Values From Bubble Sort
Bubble sort is a sorting algorithm that can sort an array of numbers in increasing order. In each of...
Exponential Growth
You will be given two integers X and N, you have to calculate XN modulo 1000000007.
Find LCM
The Least Common Multiple of two integers a and b is the smallest integer x, such that x is divided ...
Moderate 181/191/330
Flower Garden
Trisha and her little sister Rafa loves gardening. They plant trees and water them everyday. When th...
Moderate 7/25/63
Geometry Forever
Fear no more, this is a problem of geometry! When Moyna was little, he had a math teacher named Shuk...
Ghosh vs Datta
About two hundred years ago, a serious dispute evoked between the two neighboring colonies of Khulna...
How Many Pairs of LCM?
A Common Multiple of two integers a and b is an integer X, such that both a and b divides X. A numbe...
You have been called to an interview at Jifatsum, a company you’ve never heard of and who supposedly...
Moderate 14/27/83
Jewel the Magician
Jewel is a promising magician. Recently, he has learned a technique to mesmerize his audience. Let's...
Moderate 186/284/977
Kingdom of Crisis
In a kingdom far away, $N$ people live in a circle of harmony. Literally, they have constructed a ci...
Moderate 105/123/260
Kingdom of Crisis Continues
The economic crisis continues in our beloved kingdom. The king has asked the data scientists to coll...
Legacy of _sunny
Tasnim Imran Sunny is the fifth Bangladeshi red coder from Topcoder. This problem is to pay tribute ...
Moderate 31/51/180
Life of Decimals
Given any circle, if you divide the circumference of that circle with its diameter, you would always...
Life of Phi
The Great Khami is learning Number Theory. He is very excited to know that Euler's Totient Function ...
Life of Phi II
You will be given two integers n and m where GCD(n,m)=1. You have to tell that how many numbers are ...
Mental Change
Anjan was feeling low for nearly a couple of months. To improve his condition, he decided to track h...
Metro Rail Blocks
The city of Dhaka is experiencing the construction of metro rails. Imagine one such metro rail spans...
Minimize the Odds
Ridoy is a world class programmer. He writes his programs with a lot of care so that the odds of a b...
Moderate 72/79/137
Minimum Excluded
In a given set of integers, the "mex" or the minimum excluded value is the smallest non-negative int...
Moderate 30/52/227
Monk in the Jungle
The Great Monk Maruf is planning to visit the jungle of Amazon. He loves to prepare himself rigorous...
Mystery of Fibonacci
Fibonacci sequence is a recursive sequence that depends on the following definition: Fib(N) = Fib(N-...
Nearest Co-Prime
Two numbers are relatively prime or co-prime if their greatest common divisor is 1. In this problem,...
Moderate 286/304/459
Partition Magic
The Great Researcher Dr. Bari loves to do research. Once he was doing research on VLSI Circuit Desig...
Moderate 3/5/16
Perplexity of Permutations
A permutation of N integers from 1 to N is an array where each number has appeared exactly once in t...
Prisoners of Musabad
In the city of Musabad, criminals are punished heavily. Once an enemy is caught, he is kept in the j...
Shhh! Don't Tell!
The Bad guys are using the social media to spread their malicious messages to the mass. They have co...
Moderate 40/71/382
Sofdor Ali's Black and White Tree
Sofdor Ali loves Computer Science. He prefers hexadecimal number system to decimals, just because it...
DFS, Graph Moderate 82/97/241
Sofdor Ali's Magical Blackboard!
Sofdor Ali found interest in mathematics very early in his life. And now, he wants to spread this in...
Sofdor Ali's Restaurant
One of Sofdor Ali’s greatest accomplishment was his Biriyani restaurant! Unlike the traditional rest...
Sweeper's Dillemma
Minesweeper is a popular single-player puzzle video game from the 60's. It still enjoys the privileg...
Moderate 7/8/49
The Best Gift Ever
In the world of computing, giving gifts like arrays are completely acceptable. Instead of exchanging...
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