Mr. Zero
Mr. Zero has a matrix Z consisting of m rows and n columns. The rows are numbered from 1 to m, colum...
Hablu Is in Quarantine
The soldiers are being trained to fight against the Coronavirus. Mr. Hablu will shake hands with som...
Old Magic!
You: Guess an integer number, but don't tell me. Your friend: Okay! You: Now multiply it by 3. Your ...
Lexicographical Smallest String
There is a string $s$ of length $n$ containing lowercase letters and an integer $k$. Among the lette...
Kingdom of Crisis Continues
The economic crisis continues in our beloved kingdom. The king has asked the data scientists to coll...
Digit Printing
You will be given two numbers and an operation to do with them. You just need to print the output of...
Is This a Give-Away?
Once there lived an ancient mage named Farabi. He could always give perfect weather forecast. He nev...
The Wise Man
Lukman loves to search the root of everything.Once he was reading the holy Quran. At the beginning h...
National Flag
Today is the 16th December, a red letter day of our national history. The whole country equipped wit...
Fun Theory
Let's go for a short statement. n people took part in a disco. To make the disco scarier, each perso...
Maze Ball Game
Your friend Yulianna Karaulova, likes to play maze ball game. You are going make a DIY project to bu...
United State of Koanhali
Koanhali is a strange country. The govt. of Koanhali maintain the marriages of this country. If you ...
Alphabet Animals
You are playing a game in which a group of players take turns saying animal names. The animal name y...
Naming Convention
Tony works in a multinational technology company named Voogle LLC. The employees of Voogle follow ce...
Gotta Print 'Em All
Gray has received N documents this morning and he wants to print as many of them as he can within hi...
Meena is a talented girl in her class. She likes to brainstorm in her leisure times. One day, she wa...
Circle of Boltu
Boltu and Poltu are two best friends. Boltu loves to play games in computer. When class is off, inst...
Mr. Xifu and His New School
After working as a teacher for a long time, Mr. Xifu has finally decided to open a new school of his...
Forgotten Pin Code
You have been using a 4 digit pin code to lock your phone that, no matter how much you are trying no...
First Snow
One day Tomato woke up late in the morning and realized that she had a long list of todos. Frantical...
The Multiplication
Nafis is working on a mathematical project. But he is stuck on a step of it. In this step, numerous ...
Flyover in Twinland
Rio has become the president of Twinland. Now he wants to develop his country to fulfill his promise...
Mental Change
Anjan was feeling low for nearly a couple of months. To improve his condition, he decided to track h...
Aloyna and Can Buying
Aloyna is a can lover girl and whenever she goes to a shop, she must buy a can to drink. This time s...
Shamsu Vai Angrybird
Great coder SHAMSU VAI lives at a hostel in Zindabazar area and you know there is a huge crisis of w...
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