You Are Programmer, You Have No Valentine!
One morning, Rose woke up early, and her husband, Alice, asked what was the matter. She told him, "I...
Gopal's Grand Gambit: Tracking Montri's Treachery
We're familiar with Krishnanagar, ruled by King Krishnachandra Roy and his council, including the no...
Can You Help?
Hey, hello! Yes, I am talking to you, whoever is reading this problem statement. I know you are Robi...
Escape Room : The Deadly Puzzle Game
Context: An escape room, also known as an escape game or puzzle room, is an immersive challenge wher...
Who Win the Game!!
Two friends, Alice and Bob are participating in a car race. The length of the race track is 1000km. ...
Anina’s Birthday Gift
Anina is a girl who is very much interested in mathematics. She likes to solve Geometry and Counting...
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