Fibonacci Numbers
Given an integer N, print the N-th Fibonacci number. A Fibonacci series is a series of numbers in wh...
Incompatible Crops
Did you know that certain crops cannot grow next to each other? Given the layout of a field as a gri...
Leap Years
In the Gregorian calendar, certain years have 366 days instead of 365. In such years, the month of F...
Big Factorials
Given an integer N, print the trailing 4 digits of N! (N factorial). N!=N×(N−1)×(N−2)×...×1 Here are...
Full Pyramid
Given an integer N, print a full pyramid of asterisks. A full pyramid of asterisks of size N has N l...
Pascal's Triangle
Given an integer N, print the sum of the Nth row of the Pascal's triangle. In mathematics, Pascal's ...
That's 1 Minute See You Tomorrow
You may heard the name of Nas Daily, a Facebook page by a travel video blogger Nuseir Yassin. He cre...
Byang's Additions
Byang is learning how to add numbers. However, he gets confused whenever there is a carry. To help B...
Tidy Bits
Read an integer variable, and determine the smallest positive integer that has the same number of 1s...
Decent Arrays
Given N numbers determine if they are in ascending order.
Better Passwords
Byang is creating an account on Toph. He needs your help to create a strong password. Byang will giv...
Weird Sum
Yor are given an array A of size n. You have to make another array B which must be a permutation of ...
A starry night of Keokradong
It's Term Break. Hurray !! Muttaqueen is on a tour with his friends at the peak of Keokradong. Adda,...
Substring Divisibility
The evil problem setter has to set a problem. But he cannot find a good problem to set. After thinki...
Caesar Cipher
Byang wants to write a secret message to his friend. He has recently discovered Caesar Cipher. Caesa...
Little Subarray Sum
Given an array of N numbers and two indices, determine the sum of the numbers in the array between (...
ASCII Progress Bar
In this problem, you need to write a code that prints an ASCII progress bar. In each test case, you ...
Protect the Dark Lord
The time has finally come for the last battle between The HERO and The DARK LORD!!! But sadly in thi...
Proper Leap Years
Byang's friend was asked to author a programming problem where the challenge was to identify if the ...
Test Cases
Byang's friend is building a sport programming platform and needs your help with one of the modules....
Little Matrix Multiplication
Given two 2×2 matrices, calculate the product of the two matrices. The product of two 2×2 matrices w...
Wakanda Forever
We all know that Thanos has erased half of the population of the universe. Earth’s population was al...
Sheldon Hates Geology
Sheldon is a theoretical physicist. He hates geology. He thinks geology isn’t real science. He consi...
Musk Colonizing Mars
Elon Musk often asks a question “Do you think I'm insane?”. We don't know right? But we all know tha...
Biswa and Picnic
Biswa’s department is going on a picnic and as usual, he is a member of the organizing committee. Th...
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