Problem - SMSMS
Given a matrix of n rows and m columns you have to perform two types of queries on the matrix. 1) C...
Dividing Triangle
You will be given an isosceles right angled triangle. The legs of the triangle have a length of L an...
Gopal's Grand Gambit: Tracking Montri's Treachery
We're familiar with Krishnanagar, ruled by King Krishnachandra Roy and his council, including the no...
How Many Paths?
You are at the top left corner [position (1,1)] of a R×C grid. Your destination is bottom right corn...
Purity Test
Nowadays nothing is pure. Be it a heart or a food or just a mere number. There is contamination in a...
IamHot Moderate 8/10/41
Bear and Game
"Your life is over, you haven't noticed yet!!!" Masha shouted. "What are you doing??" Bear was playi...
Boom Bot
Raze is a new agent in Valorant Inc. Currently, she is training on how to use Boom Bot. The training...
Srikant VS Terrorists
Srikant is an agent in an Intelligence agency. He is now heading a secret mission against a group of...
Erik: The Candyboy - 2
Now Erik has more candies than he had previously. In fact, he has infinite number of candies, and he...
Bob's Dilemma
Alice and Bob have been playing a game on Android phone. It is a PVP game. They can play against eac...
Game, Game Everywhere
Binary and Ternary are playing a game. In this game, they initially choose an array with N elements....
Traffic Jam That Never Ends
Of all the dysfunctions that plague the world’s megacities, none may be more pernicious than bad (re...
kitorp Moderate 13/19/91
YouKn0wWho has an integer sequence a1​,a2​,…,an​. He will perform the following operation until the ...
Count the Co Prime Number
Wow, The statement is very clear, you are given an array A that contains N number of positive intege...
Anne's Diary
On 12 June 1942, Anne received a diary as a gift. She started writing on it. Later, her diary had be...
Monk in the Jungle
The Great Monk Maruf is planning to visit the jungle of Amazon. He loves to prepare himself rigorous...
XOR Master
Imam has been participating in online programming contests for years. His goal is to become a "Maste...
Locality-Sensitive Hashing I
According to Wikipedia, Locality-Sensitive hashing (LSH) is an algorithmic technique that hashes sim...
Beautiful Subsequences
You are given a string. You have to find the number of beautiful subsequences in the string. A subse...
Thanos LLC.
On the planet Titan, there are N residents, numbered from 1 to N, all employed by Thanos. For each i...
You will be given an array of integers $A$. You have to count the number of $\textbf{subarrays}$ (a ...
Divine Tree
One day Thor gave Nabil Bin Masterchief a rooted tree consisting of n vertices. Unfortunately, Durin...
Rectangle Division
You are given a rectangle which is parallel to the coordinate axis. The lower left coordinate is (x,...
Min Value
You are given an array of N integers and q queries. In each query you are given an integer value x. ...
Treat Hunter
Who doesn't love food? Especially if someone is giving a treat! Thats right! Redoan is a treat hunte...
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