Count the Chaos
Imagine, you have an array of integers of size N. At each index of this array is a unique integer fr...
Complex Operations
You are given an array A of length N. You have to perform two different types of operations. In the ...
Sofdor Ali and Histogram
The Great Sofdor Ali is now interested in competitive programming. Seeing this, his friend and also ...
Nomir and Upid have been participating in programming contests since their high-school days. They ar...
Rivalry Friends
Ryo and his girlfriend love to think about challenges. One day his girlfriend gave him a challenge t...
Piper's Sugar and Spice
Brawl Stars is a small planet in the Supercell galaxy. Many brawlers live in that planet. Their only...
Masha and Stones
Masha has a good habit of collecting stones. Thus she lives by the side of the sea. Every morning sh...
Game of Fifteen
Little Tanjima loves to play with numbers. Her favorite subject is math. Recently her tutor Zuaina t...
Challenging Lover
Greetings to all of you. You must have heard about our star programmer Rafat bhai. One day he went o...
Groot's Mission
The Avengers team sent Groot and Rocket in a reconnaissance mission at RUET. However, Rocket got bus...
We will call a string K-String if it consists of K distinct characters. For example, if K is 3 then ...
Boys in the Assembly
N boys are standing in the assembly. There is a single line only. Boys are denoted by their roll num...
Odd or Even
This is a very straight forward problem. For a given value of N your task is to find out the differe...
Piece of Cake
Diya has got a nice birthday cake for Arshiya and Alayna, her twin daughters. The two sisters were ...
Russell loves solving math problems and also playing online games. Recently, he has started playing ...
The Great Game
The great game between Sherlock and Moriarty has started. Moriarty planted many bombs around the cit...
Keep the Apples
Suppose you have n bags of apples and one type of basket. In each of those baskets, you can keep at ...
We all know about LIS (Longest Increasing Sub sequence). The task to find the length of the longest ...
Maximum Among Divisors
Alice is thrilled about participating in the “Take-off Programming Contest Spring 2023”, but she rea...
Burger King
Every day, more than 11 million guests visit BURGER KING® restaurants around the world. And they do ...
Find the Good Sequence
Let's say two numbers are called "good" if their difference is at least 2. Similarly, a sequence is ...
Version Checker
Java Development Kit (JDK) installer for Mac OS X has a bug: Can you spot it? Notice how Java is ch...
Who Is the Champion?
The ICPC traces its roots to 1970 when the first competition was hosted by pioneers of the Alpha Cha...
Little Dwayne
Little Dwayne Johnson is hosting a programming contest. A lot of teams mail him everyday to ask abou...
Itsy's Magic Cards
Itsy needs your help with her magic cards. Her magic cards grant her special spider-witch powers. Un...
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