November Rain
Yeah, that's true. Nothing lasts forever, even a programming contest (5 hours pass so fast!). So, hu...
Permuted Balanced Bracket Sequence
You are given a bracket sequence of length N and Q queries. In each query, you are given two integer...
Bishal_G Moderate 3/5/13
Unique String
There are 3 types of letters available. They are A, B and C. You are given the frequencies of them. ...
Mathison and the Palindromic Editor
Mathison has downloaded a modern text editor after he got bored with Vim. This editor, called PalEd,...
Dot Hunter
The birthday party is near to an end now. You, Sohel bhai and all his others friends are playing a g...
Number, Segment, Prefix - All In One (Hard)
Xiao Po is building a validation framework for his current project. He is now stuck with this proble...
nfssdq Moderate 3/5/6
Can You Help?
Hey, hello! Yes, I am talking to you, whoever is reading this problem statement. I know you are Robi...
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there was an enchanting ICPC contest. The contest organiz...
A Lazy Statement
Milk has created an account in the newly launched social network Coffeebook. However, she cannot dec...
Nirjhor Moderate 2/3/8
Guilty Rahman
OC Rahman is notorious for accepting bribes. Influential people in his area now seek to bribe him to...
The Don and Mohanagar
Dhaka “Mohanagar” can be shown as a 2-dimensional grid G consisting of  N rows, and M columns. Each ...
There were many robots in a robotics lab. Some robots had very high IQ (IQ means task performance). ...
Help Tanjiro
Mojan kibutsuji is an evil demon who eats people and can turn people into demon. Tanjiro is a swords...
Daredevil Punishment
After the death of Mysterio, People started hating Peter Parker. Peter and his relatives were arrest...
Dirty Politics
This is an interactive problem. (If you want to know about interactive problems, click here) Your co...
Easy But Easy Game
Alice and Bob are playing a game on a string s of length n consisting of characters ‘0’ and ‘1’. The...
No Expectations!
You have a jug and n mugs. The jug’s capacity is c liters and the ith mug’s capacity is ai​ liters. ...
shefin Moderate 2/8/22
Long Walk
One day Rupun the Rabit had a weird idea to go on a walk. She wants to go on a walk in one direction...
Expected Light
Bob has a circular land of radius R. He has built a circular building of radius r (r < R) at the cen...
Jumbled Communication
Your best friend Adam has recently bought a Raspberry Pi and some equipment, including a wireless te...
Adhoc Moderate 2/2/2
Guessing Camels
Jaap, Jan, and Thijs are on a trip to the desert after having attended the ACM ICPC World Finals 201...
MaxFlow (II)
Given a connected undirected graph with n nodes and m edges and the capacity of each edge is 1. maxF...
rumman13 Moderate 2/6/10
Arrays LCM
How many arrays of length N are there such that all elements in the array is in range 1 to M(inclusi...
Moderate 2/3/4
Word Blitz!
I am sure you have heard of the famous messenger game Word Blitz! You can play the game with an oppo...
Moderate 2/3/10
Broken Chain
Jahid loves Motorbikes. He really wants to have a bike of his own. So he requests his elder brother ...
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