Highschool Mathematics
We do Algebra, Geometry, Matrix, Trigonometry, Calculus, Vector, Permutation - Combination, Probabil...
mashfiqur404 Math 215/297/971
Naughty Subsequence - V2.0
Mahib loves ‘Naughty Subsequence’-s. He will give you an array of characters ara[0,1,...,n-1] that c...
mashfiqur404 DP, DataStructure Very Easy 38/43/96
Hamming Distance
Hamming distance between two binary strings of equal length is the number of mismatches between ever...
Aloyna and Can Buying
Aloyna is a can lover girl and whenever she goes to a shop, she must buy a can to drink. This time s...
Building the Number
This is a straight-froward problem. You will be given N. You have to find the expected value of buil...
Poltu and Interesting Number
Poltu Loves interesting number. So he wants to find this type of number. The definition of an intere...
Poltu and Graph
Poltu has got a graph with N nodes and M edges. Every edge has a weight. There can be multiple edges...
Beauty of AP
Solving problems is fun in competitive programming, right? So let’s solve a fun task today too :P. 1...
Poltu and Odd Number
Today is Poltu’ first C programming class. And, he needs your help with a programming task. Given tw...
Palindromic Naming Convention
In Strangeland, people name their child in a cute way. I'm sure you already know the way by the prob...
Memes vs. Social Media
In this era of modern technology social media is the most powerful weapon and the viral issue is the...
Mad Engineer Aksir
Can you imagine? Mad Engineer Aksir finally got the job. His job is to set up toggle switch for a se...
Most Difficult Problem Ever
You are given a function like below: long long F(int A, int B, int C, long long x) { long long res =...
In this year's RoboFest, there a segment called LFR(Line Follower Robot) contest. An LFR contest is ...
The Lucky Dice
Ray and Evangeline are playing a game named "The Lucky Dice". In this game, each player tosses up an...
Interplanetary Mission
The National Space Center(NSC) is planning an interplanetary mission in a new galaxy far far away fr...
Alien Invasion
Fisaow is a farmer. He has a large field covered with grass and wants to create some pattern or desi...
Gotta Print 'Em All
Gray has received N documents this morning and he wants to print as many of them as he can within hi...
Clickbait is something (such as a headline) designed to make readers want to click on a hyperlink es...
No Need for Speed
Mr. Baker always wanted to be a race car driver. But failing to reach his dream goal, he started his...
National Flag
Today is the 16th December, a red letter day of our national history. The whole country equipped wit...
Jenia's Homework
Jenia is a very talented girl. She got homework from school. She is such a nerd who cries if she can...
Answer the Queries
Given an array of N elements, indexed from 0 to N−1. Now you are given some queries in the form [L,R...
Maze Ball Game
Your friend Yulianna Karaulova, likes to play maze ball game. You are going make a DIY project to bu...
Train Hijack
You and your friend Daneliya Tuleshova are planning to hijack a train. Your friend will go inside a...
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