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Given a 2D 4-connected grid. Each cell contains a value and an identifier. Values can be propagated ...
Permuted Balanced Bracket Sequence
You are given a bracket sequence of length N and Q queries. In each query, you are given two integer...
Bishal_G Moderate 3/5/13
C++ Vector Simulation
Array is an important data structure in computer science. It is also very important when it comes fo...
Polices Raided on Town!
There are N shops in a town named β€œThe Worst-Model-Town”. The owner of the i’th shop is A[i]. One da...
Pairs in Tree
You will be given a tree of N nodes. Each node has a given value and the distance between adjacent n...
Just Solve It
You are given an array A of length N consisting of integer numbers. Your task is to determine the va...
Mount Everest
Mount Everest is known as Sagarmatha in Nepali. The height of Mt Everest is 8,848 meters. Many local...
Perfect Date
What is your idea about the perfect date? Umm... I mean, the Date Format. You may have already known...
Knight and Bishop
We all know about the chess game. Chess game is played on 8x8 board. Now, Alice and Bob come to play...
Victory Day
Today is 16th December, 2017. 46 years ago on this day we earned freedom. Every freedom comes up wit...
Problem - SMSMS
Given a matrix of n rows and m columns you have to perform two types of queries on the matrix. 1) C...
Difficult Game Of String
Today we will talk about two friends and a difficult game. For this problem, let's think their names...
math10 Moderate 2/3/4
Halum and ACM Park
The newly built ACM park is getting very popular. Initially the park is empty. Each day people come ...
Calculate the Sum If You Can
This problem deals with the following expression: 1βˆ’2+1βˆ’2+1βˆ’2+1βˆ’2+1βˆ’2+1βˆ’2+1βˆ’2+... Given n, you have ...
In the year 3333, earthly scientists discovered a massive star has blast in a nearby galaxy. Dangero...
Nitu the Laziest Girl
Did you hear about the lazy girl Nitu? She loves programming a lot and spends most of her times in p...
The Selfie Boy
Mahde is a selfie boy. Every day he uploads new picture in facebook. Today, mark zuckerberg barg gif...
Unique String
There are 3 types of letters available. They are A, B and C. You are given the frequencies of them. ...
Last week Mahde brought an array of n integers. Ai is the i-th integer of the array. Each integer is...
amin21 Moderate 15/24/53
Lowercase or Uppercase
You are given a string S consisting of lowercase English letters (a, b, c ….. z), uppercase English ...
Thought Game
Sadia is one of the nicest persons you will ever meet. In fact, she is one of those persons who like...
BPL Mubarak!
Bangladesh Premier League is in Sylhet for the first time. Today's match is Sylhet Sixers vs the Dha...
Party Lights
The famous mafia leader of Byteland, Don Mukuvich, is hosting a party and he has decided to decorat...
ZiGzAg NuMbEr
A number is called a Zig-zag number if the differences between consecutive digits alternate between ...
Not Linkin Park!
Months have passed. Little Anita has grown up a bit! Instead of playing with simplistic sequences, s...
mehdi_ Moderate 7/11/53
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