Prisoners of Musabad
In the city of Musabad, criminals are punished heavily. Once an enemy is caught, he is kept in the j...
Dilu's Library
Dilu is a young boy who loves mathematics. He recently learned how to code. He was interested in sol...
Meera and Solo Chocolates
Meera bought candies from the store. She is now going to distribute those among her N friends. She m...
Bad Neighbors
In the strange neighborhood of Nocu, a lot of people lives pretty happily, or so they think. Like mo...
Fast Co-Prime
Two numbers A and B are called co-prime if the only common positive factor of the two numbers is 1. ...
Easy Sequence 2
Let’s define a easy sequence F. Where $ F(1) = 1 $ $ F(2X) = F(X)^2 + 1 $ $ F(2X+1) = F(X) \times F(...
Mr. X is a dangerous criminal. He likes to draw some geometric random stuff and get motivated for hi...
Easy Sequence 1
Let’s define an easy sequence F. Where: F(1)=1 F(2X)=F(X)2+1 F(2X+1)=F(X)×F(X+1)+2 Here X is a posit...
A substring of string S is another string S' which occurs in string S. For example: S = aaba and one...
There are two gift shops in the city. They are going to merge together to create a bigger company. Y...
Convex Hull Generator
You have to generate a convex polygon which has N points each Xi is distinct and is between 1 and N...
Biswa the Digital Gutibaj
Being a digital gutibaj, Biswa is virtually busy with all his evil stuff all the time. As he is a di...
OCD Returns!
This problem author has OCD (obsessive–compulsive disorder). One day his teacher gave him an array o...
Version Checker
Java Development Kit (JDK) installer for Mac OS X has a bug: Can you spot it? Notice how Java is ch...
Two Friends
CodeMask and CodeNewtons are two friends. Today they are playing an interesting game. The game invol...
The Universe Loves Minimum Steps!
Given an array A of N integers. Your task is to make all the integers 0 by performing the following ...
Spanning Tree
There are N nodes in a tree. You can start from any node of that tree and you have to come back to t...
Graph Moderate 80/86/125
Recursive World!
See following the two recursive functions: C(0) = 0 C(1) = 5 C(K) = C(K-1) + 4 F(0) = 1 F(1) = 2 F(N...
Playing With Your Mind
Given a non-negative integers N. You have to find an integer P such that, the following conditions s...
You are given N integers. Each integer is square free (i.e. it has no divisor which is a square numb...
Mr. Ant and His Problem
Mr. Ant has 3 boxes and the infinite number of marbles. Now he wants to know the number of ways he c...
Let's Be an Anagrammatist
Do you know what is an anagram? An anagram is a rearrangement of letters of one word to form another...
Equation Equals Hazards
You are given the equation, GCD(A,M)=1. You have to determine whether there exists at least one inte...
Device ID
A device ID is a distinct number associated with a smartphone or similar handheld device. Every smar...
Compute the Combination
Let P = C(N,0) - C(N,1) + C(N,2) - C(N,3) + ... + C(N,N); where C(n,r) is "n choose r". You are give...
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