Byang's Additions
Byang is learning how to add numbers. However, he gets confused whenever there is a carry. To help B...
That's 1 Minute See You Tomorrow
You may heard the name of Nas Daily, a Facebook page by a travel video blogger Nuseir Yassin. He cre...
Mina and Raju
Everyone know about Mina & Raju. They are siblings as well as good friend. The friend-circle of Mina...
Let’s Build Nepal
In our country, there are many political leaders belonging to different political parties. They alwa...
Lets walk on grid
You will be given a grid of size N * M. The character of grid is either ‘.’ Or ‘#’. '.' means free l...
Moderate 4/5/9
Code Crack
Miss Abida a tech-smart student. Her friend M.Roy developed a social media site Miss Ab...
Shrawan Barsha
Our hero ‘Shrawan’ is in love with a beautiful girl named ‘Barsha’. On the upcoming Valentine Day, h...
Moderate 5/6/16
Bitcoin Currency Prediction
Bitcoin is a digital currency created in 2009.It follows the ideas set out in a white paper by the m...
Moderate 3/3/4
LazyM versus Arnab
There is a monster called lazyM in Rihamland who is the leader of this land. But another betrayer mo...
Moderate 4/4/8
Hardest Problem Ever
Prof.Dr.DP is very famous professor. He is expert (actually legendary grandmaster) in Dynamic Progra...
Say It!
You will be given an English letter'(A'-'Z' or 'a'-'z'). You have to say whether it is lowercase or ...
Sanvi and Happy Pairs
Sanvi is a very little and so much cute girl. She was playing with an array A of length N. While doi...
Hardest Update and Easiest Query
You have an array A with n elements which is indexed from 1 to n. Now you have to deal with two type...
Darun Akta Counter
Moeen lives in a home section or blocks with 100 floors numbered from 0 to 99. The home has an eleva...
Moderate 6/9/15
Holy Day
Maruf is a student of Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, Sylhet Polytechnic Institute. Right n...
Moderate 39/40/42
Huge Number
If N is an integer greater than 0, n factorial (n!) is the product: n × (n-1) × (n-2) × (n-3) × ... ...
Can You Make It Close
A boy named Poltu is very fond of food. He eats a lot and you can tell so by looking at him. There a...
Moderate 6/40/243
Institute of Mathematics
Let's introduce you to our very own Mishal Sir. After completing his Ph.D. from the University of Ma...
Range Product
Mr. Jack is a Genetic Engineer but he is not good at Mathematics. At this moment, he is facing a mat...
Technology is going ahead very fast. How can we know what will we get in future? One day you met a g...
Boss Kauke Gune Na
It was the time of General Aladeen. "Kabir The Boss" was then a little child. On his birthday, Gener...
Room Number 13
Many hotels around the world skip the number 13 and go straight to 14 when numbering rooms. This is ...
Very Easy 80/114/293
Keep the Apples
Suppose you have n bags of apples and one type of basket. In each of those baskets, you can keep at ...
You will be given two integers A, B. If A × B (product of A and B) is equal to LCM(A, B) then you ha...
A Weird Dragon
We all know about Daenerys Targaryen and her three dragons. And we also know that one of those drago...
Moderate 14/19/52
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