Digit String
We are giving you a number N and your task is to generate a N digit string where the string reading ...
zobayer Very Easy 55/55/77
Jimmy and Jamy
Jimmy and Jamy are two brothers. They like to play with colored marble. Jimmy has N boxes with three...
Infinity Wall
Alien Tara lives on a planet named Confusious. He wants to go to the planet Ultron. He can use any s...
zobayer Moderate 3/7/12
Magic Number Count
Magic number is an integer number, which is only divisible by itself and total number of divisor wil...
A string is a butterfly string if it has a 0 at the middle of the string and at both sides of 0 ther...
khepa98 Moderate 137/169/801
GCD Grid
You are given two integers N and M. You have to make a grid of N∗M size by following these rules: E...
Last Game of Onslaught
Tashfiq and Alam have been on the same team for almost two years. Tashfiq often comes up with some r...
Tash52 Moderate 11/14/24
Again GCD Challenge
You will be given a number X. Now consider any sequence extra ordinary if its length is at least 2 a...
Captain Shoaib : Civil War
Captain Shoaib is fighting against the zombies with his army. At some point, he realized that some o...
Budget Tour
Dipu Bhai lives in a country called Chocoland. There are n cities in Chocoland. The cities are numbe...
Now it is time for Intra Aust Programming Contest Fall 2020! Aust CSE 40th Batch is organizing the c...
edge555 Very Hard 15/15/22
Circle, Circle, Circle...
There are 2 circles with the radius od=r and oc=R and they are sharing a common center o. The space ...
math10 Very Easy 17/31/99
The Total Score of an Array
Let’s say, min is the minimum element of an array and max is the maximum element of an array. The sc...
Subsegment Search
Galib is the best algorithmist in Bangladesh right now! He challenged Faysal who is also an algorith...
Who doesn’t love board games? During this COVID lockdown, we all are bored at home and need to enter...
pinanzo Moderate 5/5/5
Game of Shells
Monstadt’s honorable knights are enjoying their summer vacation in a distant archipelago named Golde...
Digits of Pi
Let’s talk about one fascinating fact about circles. For that, let’s perform the following experimen...
Archers and the Monster
A monster is trapped in a triangle in a 2D coordinate system. Three archers are waiting to kill him....
Legacy of _sunny
Tasnim Imran Sunny is the fifth Bangladeshi red coder from Topcoder. This problem is to pay tribute ...
Good and Evil
Inside each of us, there is the seed of both good and evil. It's a constant struggle as to which on...
Water in a Tree
There is a tree consist of N nodes and N−1 edges. The ith node contains Si​ liters of water with a t...
No Expectations!
You have a jug and n mugs. The jug’s capacity is c liters and the ith mug’s capacity is ai​ liters. ...
shefin Moderate 2/8/22
Easy Parenthesis
Let there be a parenthesis sequence string S. This sequence is not guaranteed to be balanced. Your t...
Fight Fight Fight
We all know, Argentina and Brazil supporters cannot stand each other. An organization decided to arr...
Choice Is Yours
For not participating on contests regularly, Hasnaine (read Has9) has decided to kill Santo. But nob...
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