Knapsack Revisited
Given description of n items (weight and value) and a knapsack of capacity weight W, you have to cal...
Moderate 9/19/109
Arunima City
After the big decentralization process, where Dhaka city's population were relocated, a new city cal...
Smart Query Handler
Bit operators perform bit-wise operations between two binary numbers. Wikipedia says, binary operati...
Find the CEOs
You will find millions of CEOs in this country. Some have a one page website, some have a blog built...
Mathison and the Palindromic Editor
Mathison has downloaded a modern text editor after he got bored with Vim. This editor, called PalEd,...
Arithmetic Sequence (Hard)
Arithmetic Sequence is a sequence of numbers where the difference between two consecutive numbers ar...
Math Very Easy 274/292/483
Mr. Foring and n-dimensions
The great Grasshopper “Foring” recently learned from the story “The ant and a grasshopper” that he s...
Guti Khela
Guti Khela is an ancient village game of Bangladesh. This game is played between 2 players by diggin...
How Many Paths?
You are at the top left corner [position (1,1)] of a R×C grid. Your destination is bottom right corn...
Largest Prime
A positive integer number n is called a prime number, if it is only divisible by 1 and n itself, whe...
Assignment Dilemma
Amir is a competitive programmer, very good one actually. He is also very successful in his academic...
Panir Niche Rastaa Bhalo
Poltu is a cyclist. He loves commuting by cycle. When he was a kid, often he was cycling in his drea...
Friendship Database
You have created a new social media for testing the irrationality of human behavior. In order to con...
Another Dirty String
Given three strings A, B and C. Find the length of the longest common substring of A and B, which do...
Power and Mod
Exponentiation is a mathematical operation, written as b n , involving two numbers, the base b and t...
Chemical Reaction
In this problem you will be dealing with chemical reaction. In real life, the simulation of a chemic...
Expert Programmer
Your dream is to become an expert programmer one day and you are practicing day and night for that d...
Little Girl, Tough Game
Samiya, a little girl, wrote a random sequence of opening brackets and closing brackets on a piece o...
Hasan the Treasure Hunter
Benjamin Gates the treasure hunter opened a coaching center named Khajna Dibo Na where he teaches hi...
Building the Wall 2
The story of walls continue, here's a quick recap: Building walls around a country has become a popu...
Blackhole and Food
One day, Nafu was whining a lot to his roommate Pika to buy Nafu some food. Nafu is famously known a...
Aaj Kemon Bodh Korcho
One of our famous admin of Programming Problem in Bengali group is a diehard supporter of Barcelona ...
Simple Operation
Mr. X is a school teacher. He teaches C programming to the students. In every class, he gives some s...
Automated Disease Prediction System
An Automated Disease Prediction system is going to be developed by the students of Leading Universit...
If you have a Tk 100 in your wallet, what would you do? You might have couple of ways to spend that ...
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