Save the Hero
One day Taskin just wake up and found himself in a very big circle. He is captured by The ICC. So IC...
Kingdom of Crisis
In a kingdom far away, $N$ people live in a circle of harmony. Literally, they have constructed a ci...
A for Apple! B for...?
Nowadays, Sanvi is learning the English alphabet. She had already mastered A, B, C and D, but is sti...
Save the Forest
Last year, our largest rainforest Amazon suffered the worst wildfire of the decade. The wildfire cau...
Hasinur_ Moderate 6/9/23
A Weird Dragon
We all know about Daenerys Targaryen and her three dragons. And we also know that one of those drago...
Moderate 14/19/52
Meena Raju and Two Trees
Meena's father gifted Meena and Raju two trees. Since they may quarrel, these two trees are exactly ...
ovis96 Moderate 3/7/42
Alien Neural Network
The great researcher Dr. Bari loves to do research. He recently discovered a parallel universe. Now ...
Shake It
Shoaib, Tashreef, Rifat and Parvez have entered a race competition as team and successfully become c...
Complex Tashreef
Tashreef finally received the Zuinness Journal of Galactic records recognition for being the most co...
Dabbu on Vacation
Dabbu is on his vacation in Cox's Bazar. Right now, he is enjoying the time eating deep Tuna fry and...
Basic Calculation
Little Klee had just learned how to do arithmetic operations. She just does operations without follo...
Keep the Apples
Suppose you have n bags of apples and one type of basket. In each of those baskets, you can keep at ...
Which One Is Larger?
You will be given two integers l and r where l ≤ r. There are three functions named F0, F1 and F2. T...
S_Rifat Moderate 7/18/81
Maximum Multiplication
You will be given three integers a, b and k. You can perform one of the following two operations max...
Moderate 156/178/289
Tomb Raider
Lara Croft, the main character of Tomb Raider who travels around the world searching for lost artifa...
pinanzo Moderate 7/14/57
Permutations and Divisors
Let P be a permutation of length n where each value from 1 to n occurs exactly once. A subsequence o...
Towers of Doom
Alice and Bob are famous for inventing weird games. They just invented a new game called Towers of D...
Playing On A Directed Graph
You are given a directed graph consisting of n vertices and m edges (each edge is directed, so it ca...
Byang and Kochuripana Trouble
Byang is the chief software engineer at Toad Incorporated. His grandmother is planning to give him a...
Data Structure
The operations that are performed in a data structure can be categorized into two types: query and u...
Biswa the Digital Gutibaj
Being a digital gutibaj, Biswa is virtually busy with all his evil stuff all the time. As he is a di...
Consistent Hashing
In modern software development, hashing is an important concept. It involves generating unique integ...
How Cow!
There is a cow in a village. She eats as much grass as she wants. Fortunately there is a large field...
Ant-Man And The Polygon
Ant-Man before escaping from the quantum realm thought about roaming around the realm. And much to h...
The Selection
SUST has n departments numbered from 1 to n where every pair of distinct departments is connected by...
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