Perhaps Strings Are Inevitable
Strings are inevitable in life. They give meaning to our expressions. Strings come in life in many w...
Hasinur_ Moderate 5/6/32
Multiplicative Persistence
Multiplicative persistence proposes that any number can be expressed as a single digit number by mul...
Puzzle of 1's and 0's
There is a rectangular puzzle board containing N×Mnumber of places. Each place contains a number: ei...
Walk Less
You live in a city which consists of N points. The points are numbered from 1 to n. The distance bet...
Fight Club Restored
The things you own, end up owning you. It’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do a...
Shape of Quadrilateral
Atcoder is a name of famous online judge. Here lhe problem statement is described briefly. This prob...
Moderate 73/93/183
Unfair Contest
There is a company that is very famous for arranging unfair contests. They are arranging a new weird...
Bridge Puzzle
There's a famous bridge puzzle, where you have four persons, each with a unique time required to cro...
You will be given two-dimensional coordinates (x,y) of N points. Your task is to identify K points f...
Card Distribution
Four players want to play a game of cards. There are N cards with them. They can only play a game if...
Moderate 10/14/17
Subodh is going to paint a very big wall. The wall is composed of N adjacent parts in line. He wants...
Description is Pathetic
Do you know what is the hardest part of creating a problem? Thinking and writing the description. Yo...
Maze Ball Game
Your friend Yulianna Karaulova, likes to play maze ball game. You are going make a DIY project to bu...
Binary Rhodium
Xenon is a great alchemist. Recently, he has decided to perform a special type of transmutation. But...
Balanced Relief
Thanos just finished his relief work. We all know that Thanos loves balanced things. So he finds som...
Poltu the Legend
Serajnagar M. A. Pilot Model High School is situated at Raipura, Narsingdi, Bangladesh. This school ...
Biswa and Restaurant Business
After huge success in Borhani business, Biswa has recently started restaurant business. He’s got the...
Sheldon's Obtuse Triangle
We all know Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory. Recently he got his Nobel Prize. He likes polyg...
I Hate Combinatorics!
Rick and Morty are being hunted by the galactic government. They ran away to the cell dimension. The...
Nothing’s more contagious than laughter
Gotham, a city full of criminals. But there is one who is more than just a criminal. He brings pure ...
Is This a Give-Away?
Once there lived an ancient mage named Farabi. He could always give perfect weather forecast. He nev...
The Wise Man
Lukman loves to search the root of everything.Once he was reading the holy Quran. At the beginning h...
Nowadays, CS students try to learn Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence even before learning...
Enormous Product
You are given two integers l and r. You need to find the value of x=l∏r​x(x+1) As the value of this ...
Selfie Restriction
Do you know the boy named Amlan? The only dream of his life is taking selfies. He takes selfies even...
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