XOR Partition
Neo has a hidden array A of n integers where 0 ≤ Ai ≤ 109 is satisfied for each i from 1 to n . You ...
Answer the Queries
Given an array of N elements, indexed from 0 to N−1. Now you are given some queries in the form [L,R...
Most Difficult Problem Ever
You are given a function like below: long long F(int A, int B, int C, long long x) { long long res =...
Poltu and Interesting Number
Poltu Loves interesting number. So he wants to find this type of number. The definition of an intere...
The Story of Stringland
The king of Stringland is employing an elite force of undercover agents to protect the kingdom from ...
Complex Operations
You are given an array A of length N. You have to perform two different types of operations. In the ...
I Scream, You Scream!
Meem loves ice cream cones. So much so that she created an ice cream stand to share the joy of ice c...
Productive Employees
Congratulations on becoming the new boss of "Horizontal Company, branch: Sylhet"! But now you have a...
Mind Flayer Has Attacked Again!
Mind flayer, the shadow monster has attacked the town of Hawkins again. This time, the mind flayer h...
There are n buildings in a row. The height of the i-th building is hi​. You have ৳k. It is the amoun...
Balanced Relief
Thanos just finished his relief work. We all know that Thanos loves balanced things. So he finds som...
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