Bad Neighbors 2
As some of you already know, Nocu City has a history of having bad neighbors. These bad ones, take a...
Subset of Sequences
You will be given a set of sequences. Each sequence is a list of numbers. Two sequences are K-simila...
Secret Meeting
The world is terrified by Pandas! After a miraculous chemical explosion, they became smarter; and ev...
Harry Potter and the Vault of Gringotts
"There was a break-in of Gringotts Wizarding Bank on 1 May, 1998, during the height of the Second Wi...
Counting is Difficult 2
East West University Computer Programming Club (EWUCoPC) is arranging an Intra-University Programmin...
The Game Is Back On
Moriarty is bored again. When he gets bored, the only thing he wants to do is play with Sherlock. So...
Trivial Summation
The problem statement is so small. Give you four integers r, a, b, d. Find the summation of all numb...
XOR Master
Imam has been participating in online programming contests for years. His goal is to become a "Maste...
Geometry Forever
Fear no more, this is a problem of geometry! When Moyna was little, he had a math teacher named Shuk...
K-th DuoPalindrome
Alice likes playing with Palindromes (strings that read the same backward as forward, such as 'madam...
Easy Peasy Subset Sum
Little Oishee loves to watch TV. But her mother, who is a math teacher, doesn't like this at all. Sh...
Little T2 and Dead Cats
The planet earth has become peaceful again because all the cats are dead. An evil robot named Xorged...
Counting Murgis
Ever since that wicked thief took away some of her murgis (hens, that is), Meena was ever anxious th...
This Is Too Hard ☹
Many many years ago there was a small country. And all the people there were very weird. They liked ...
Level Up
You are playing a game that has 16 levels. You start with level 1 and after gaining a certain amount...
Mag the Mighty Kaidul
The winter is about to come. Mag the Mighty Kaidul is waiting for it for days. It is his favorite se...
Circle of Death
Abir is a school going boy, who loves math. Also, he loves to play with stones. Recently he invented...
Hasinur's Mission!
Let me tell you something about Hasinur: He is a religious person. He prays 5 times a day. He loves...
Counting Subsets
Mr. Meseeks has just turned evil and is on his way to destroy the universe. To stop him Rick and Mor...
Perplexity of Permutations
A permutation of N integers from 1 to N is an array where each number has appeared exactly once in t...
Building Boundaries
Maarja wants to buy a rectangular piece of land and then construct three buildings on that land. The...
Game of Gnomes
The enemy and their massive army is approaching your fortress, and all you have to defend it is a le...
Incremental Induction
The Nordic Collegiate Pong Championship (NCPC) is an insanely competive tournament where every conte...
Color The Graph
You are given an acyclic, bidirectional graph with N nodes and M edges. The nodes are numbered from ...
Challenge From Mr. Professor
One Day Mr. Professor was taking His schedule class on Discrete Mathematics. In this lecture, He was...
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