Problems from DIU Intra University Programming Contest 2019

These problems are from a contest organized by Daffodil International University Girls' Computer Programming Club on August 2, 2019 at 4:45 AM UTC See details...

A. A Tribute to Amelia
We all know about Amelia Earhart, the famous American aviator. She was the first female pilot to do ...
Moderate 12/16/50
B. Equal Values
You have an array containing N elements. In one move you can either increase or decrease the value o...
Moderate 34/50/174
C. Battle in Byteland
There will be a gaming competition in Byteland, the winner will get a pair of shoes. With these shoe...
Moderate 28/37/76
In this problem you will be given two integers a, b. You have to answer if GCD(a,b)+LCM(a,b)=a+b is ...
E. Lui and Dengue
Lui is in Dhaka head office now. You all know Lui, a mosquito and a TV celebrity. He is trying to sp...
F. Match Me If You Can
Your friend Bela is a clever girl and she always outsmarts you some how. So this time you want to ou...
Moderate 16/22/78
G. 2 Length Shortest Path
Dengue is all across the nation and blood donation is an immediate need now-a-days. Dr. Bari runs a ...
Moderate 43/50/112
H. String in a Grid 2
Prof. Bari loves to play with string. He is also very skilled in drawing. One day he was drawing a g...
I. Cookie Monster and Healthy Diet
Today, Cookie Monster is taking time from his busy schedule to answer fan mail. The first letter ask...
Moderate 93/146/397
J. Today Is the Day!
When a year begins, we become so pumped and motivated. We say to ourselves, this is the year when we...
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