Perseus and The New Challenge
The life of princess Andromeda, the daughter of King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia of Ados, is in dan...
Another Update-Query Problem
You will be given an array A of length N and you will have to perform Q operations on that array. Th...
Maximum Meetings
I am the boss of my company. I have n employees. The office time of my company starts at 1. Every em...
Big Tang Theory
Shell Don (Shelly in short) is a theoretical physicist who is claimed to be highly intelligent with ...
Making Football Teams
There are N football teams and each team has a positive number of players. You are given Q queries. ...
Counting Friends
Johnny uses a social network called Supernova. Unlike the other social networks, Supernova does not ...
Smart Query Handler
Bit operators perform bit-wise operations between two binary numbers. Wikipedia says, binary operati...
Subtree MEX
You will be given a balanced binary tree of N nodes. Each of the nodes of the tree will contain a no...
Restore Missing Values
Consider an array of 'N' integers which is indexed from '1' to 'N'. Exactly 'Q' queries numbered fr...
"Avoid touching your face, particularly your eyes, nose or mouth to prevent the virus from entering ...
Donate Our Department
We are students of CSE, IU. It is very well known that our departmental instruments are not so good....
Escape Plan
Hey, you are stuck on prison and you have to get out soon. This prison has one way road and you can ...
Protik and Hill Climbing
Who doesn't want to save a mother? Like everyone,  Protik was finding a way to earn some money (he h...
Distinct Dishting
You are given an array of N integers. Then there will be Q commands of the following type: Change ...
Do you know what MSIS is? MSIS is the abbreviation for Maximum Sum Increasing Subsequence. It is a s...
ICPC World Final
ICPC (International Collegiate Programming Contest) World final is one of the most prestigious conte...
Holy Tree
What is a tree? A tree is a bidirectional connected graph with no cycle. In a tree, we can create ...
Byang and War Tactics
Byang is learning about War Tactics from Raat, a famous martial arts master, who has successfully tr...
Jenga Tower
Maybe you all are familiar with Jenga Game. "Jenga is played with 54 wooden blocks. Each block is th...
Remember the Name...
There's a famous song written by Mike Shinoda, which has these lines: This is 10% luck, 20% skill, ...
Village Fair 2
There are N houses in a village far away from here. They are numbered from 1 to N. For this problem ...
Array Simulation
You are given an array of N elements. Initially all the indices have a value of 0. You have to do fo...
GCD and Sum
Congratulations! You’ve been hired in “Buggy Software Ltd.” And you’ve been already given your first...
Five friends A, B, C, D and E has come to a shop to buy crayons for their art project. They need cra...
City of Burgerland
Have you ever heard of The Burgerland City? The city is full of burger shops. You will surely find s...
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