Alice wants to extract some passwords from a random string. A password can have any number of charac...
Cash Change
You have an unlimited number of cash notes of the following denominations: 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500. G...
Easy Sequence 1
Let’s define an easy sequence F. Where: F(1)=1 F(2X)=F(X)2+1 F(2X+1)=F(X)×F(X+1)+2 Here X is a posit...
There are n buildings in a row. The height of the i-th building is hi​. You have ৳k. It is the amoun...
Find the Good Sequence
Let's say two numbers are called "good" if their difference is at least 2. Similarly, a sequence is ...
Burger King
Every day, more than 11 million guests visit BURGER KING® restaurants around the world. And they do ...
We all know about LIS (Longest Increasing Sub sequence). The task to find the length of the longest ...
Russell loves solving math problems and also playing online games. Recently, he has started playing ...
If you have a Tk 100 in your wallet, what would you do? You might have couple of ways to spend that ...
Counting Murgis
Ever since that wicked thief took away some of her murgis (hens, that is), Meena was ever anxious th...
A Journey Towards One
Given N. You can perform 3 types of operations: Increase N by 1. Decrease N by 1. Divide N by 2, av...
Convert String Into Palindrome
A palindrome is a word, number, phrase, or other sequence of characters which reads the same backwar...
Make It Big!
You are given a number N (10 ≤ N ≤ 2×109). You have to perform exactly two swap operation. You can c...
Who Ate the Pizza Slices?
Misty’s life is very dramatic. No matter how careful she is, some interesting and sometimes unfortun...
Subset AND
You are given an array A of n integers and an integer k. You need to find if there is any non-empty ...
Penguins of Madagascar
One day the penguins of Madagascar found a string S... Wait... Wait. Actually the setter of the prob...
COVID-19 Outbreak
COVID-19 outbreak in Atlantis is so bad that the government is forced to lock down the whole country...
Easy Sequence 2
Let’s define a easy sequence F. Where $ F(1) = 1 $ $ F(2X) = F(X)^2 + 1 $ $ F(2X+1) = F(X) \times F(...
Lexicographical Smallest String
There is a string $s$ of length $n$ containing lowercase letters and an integer $k$. Among the lette...
Subarray Sum
You are given an array having N integers. You have to select at most K positions in the array and re...
Diagonal Sum
Given an N×N size matrix, you have to re-arrange the elements of the matrix in such a way that the d...
Is This a Give-Away?
Once there lived an ancient mage named Farabi. He could always give perfect weather forecast. He nev...
I Hate Combinatorics!
Rick and Morty are being hunted by the galactic government. They ran away to the cell dimension. The...
Misti Chor
Bhootu likes to eat misti. As he is a mischievous kid, he has decided to steal misti from the nearby...
Third Dimension
Mr. J wants to learn about combinatorics. He started reading a book on combinatorics and came across...
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