Dominoes Forever
Once when I was little, my father took me to a tobacco shop! It is surprising, but true. He asked th...
Game of Palindromes
In a popular computer game, Game of Palindromes also known as GOP there is a city called Palindesh. ...
Hacker robot Ekupai is trying to hack a supercomputer. He needs a cheat code X to hack this computer...
Cutting Bamboos
There are $n$ bamboos in a row. Khan the bamboo cutter is going to cut them all one by one. He can d...
Snake's Neck
Remember Violet and Dash from the movie "The Incredibles"? The two siblings recently installed the c...
Sofia has just arrived in Bangladesh. Rather asking it some dumb questions, lets give it a maze prob...
Paying Bills
Mued is finally home for summer vacation after surviving yet another semester of the mighty CS Under...
Move It!
Few of my friends are working on a game called “Move It!”. It's a tile-based game played on an $n\ti...
Switchblade of Thanos
We all know that Thanos “The Mad Titan“ had two adopted daughters, Gamora and Nebula. But did you kn...
Erik: The Candyboy - 1
Erik has N candies, and he wants to distribute those candies among his friends. But he has more frie...
Very Dirty String
Strings are difficult, most of the contest programmers say this and try to avoid string algorithms. ...
OCD Returns!
This problem author has OCD (obsessive–compulsive disorder). One day his teacher gave him an array o...
Happy Sub-Sequence
Recently Alex has participated in a programming contest. He became 1st runner up. He couldn't solve ...
Mina and Raju
Everyone know about Mina & Raju. They are siblings as well as good friend. The friend-circle of Mina...
Naming Convention
Tony works in a multinational technology company named Voogle LLC. The employees of Voogle follow ce...
The Perfect Collection
Given an array A of N integers, if we choose any K of these integers and calculate their bitwise XOR...
Milad's Lost Tree
Milad likes trees so much. He has a rooted tree with $n$ vertices each of which has some non-negativ...
Is Bita Happy?
Bita has learned bitwise-operations recently. She is doing some experiments with these operations no...
m-Beautiful Numbers
An m-Beautiful Number is a number which is divisible by $m$ and the sum of the digits is also divisi...
Efficient Construction on Mars
Elon Musk has constructed N cities numbered from 0 to N−1 on Mars. He initially planned to construct...
Master Plan
Gakra Miah is a Wollywood movie lover. He watches movies almost everyday. He has watched so many mov...
Memes vs. Social Media
In this era of modern technology social media is the most powerful weapon and the viral issue is the...
Interesting Pile Game
Turja and Akash are playing an interesting game. Initially a pile of N stones is given to them. Each...
DP Moderate 39/46/125
Alternative Subsequence: The Extension
Recall that the sequence b is a subsequence of the sequence a, if b can be derived from a by removin...
Naughty Subsequence - V2.0
Mahib loves ‘Naughty Subsequence’-s. He will give you an array of characters ara[0,1,...,n-1] that c...
mashfiqur404 DP, DataStructure Very Easy 38/43/96
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