Quarantined With Circles
You are given radius $R$ of a circle. Let’s call it “Main Circle”. You have to draw $N$ circles outs...
Rectangle Division
You are given a rectangle which is parallel to the coordinate axis. The lower left coordinate is (x,...
Remember the Name...
There's a famous song written by Mike Shinoda, which has these lines: This is 10% luck, 20% skill, ...
Rotation Dilemma
Akash has two favorite convex polygons A and B. But one of his new year resolution for 2020 is to ha...
Save the Hero
One day Taskin just wake up and found himself in a very big circle. He is captured by The ICC. So IC...
Because all the problems are so hard these days, this is a very simple problem. Suppose you are give...
Siraj Raval and His Dataset
Siraj has a dataset consisting of $N$ 2D cartesian points. Siraj wants to find out a straight line o...
Sofdor Ali and Attack Optimization
Tuki and Jha is in the middle of an interplanetary war and their base is under drone attack! They ar...
Three teams from your university competed in the ICPC Asia Dhaka Regional Contest 2021. Sedulous, Re...
The Multiplayer Action Game
Have you played the game Agar.io? According to wikipedia, Agar.io is a massively multiplayer action ...
The Wall
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, there lived two groups of people named Stormtroopers and ...
Trap of Thanos
Abdullah, Biswas and Cijsan all have been in big trouble. They are invited into a dying game by Than...
In this problem, you are given a tetrahedron in 3-dimensional space. A tetrahedron is defined as “a ...
Weird Cake
A sphere-shaped cake is cut down with two parallel planes which gives three pieces of cake. The heig...
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